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Attitudinal, standoffish, ego-maniacal type people generally are compensating for their own lack of self worth. The strategy is to feel superior to others as a form of self validation. Such people are best avoided until they develop some self love. It's good to have compassion for these people and the burdens they carry.

I only recall meeting one obnoxious twink when I was young.

I was at a bar called King Richards in La Jolla California, setting by myself,,, when suddenly this young blond cutie with what must have been his grandfather - came up to me and started telling me that I was taking the wrong direction in my life and how I should change.

I had no idea what he was talking about, but assumed the older gentleman standing beside him must have made some offhand comments regarding me. I didn't say anything to this young man, he evidently had been mislead and I wasn't about to waste any energy trying to persuade him that his sugar daddy was manipulating his young ass.

Can't imagine why a pretty <but quite naive> young man would feel the need to "put me on the right path" when the one he was walking down was leading him to his knees in front of a 80 year old man who was well practiced in the art of manipulation.

Being young no doubt has it's rewards,,, and as they mature - they will become more enlightened by wisdom learned thru age.
We Have Elvis !!

To me "twink" suggests a superficiality/vacuousness that does not encompass all young guys. i don't think I've ever met a young man who embraced it as part of his identity, although I have certainly known some.

ShiftyNJ Wrote:To me "twink" suggests a superficiality/vacuousness that does not encompass all young guys. i don't think I've ever met a young man who embraced it as part of his identity, although I have certainly known some.

I think the term has evolved over the years. When I was young "twink" was NOT a "good thing"...it suggested exactly what you described above...but today I think it means "young" or smooth...not really sure exactly....

East Wrote:I think the term has evolved over the years. When I was young "twink" was NOT a "good thing"...it suggested exactly what you described above...but today I think it means "young" or smooth...not really sure exactly....

Well, I don't know how old you are but I take in consideration that you were there in the early 70's I wasn't hahaha. So basically a twink is by definition a white young and slender boy aged between 18-22, young and beautiful, often blond and not much masculine, and also not the brightest. Looking at the very old movies from Higgins Park, Jean-Daniel Cadinot and the other studios, whenever they were featuring twinks, it was often a blond hairless slender guy being owned by an older (conceptual masculine) man. You'd also notice that back then just like today most twinks are bottoms.

Today the term has evolved to all nationalities, now a black, Chinese, and Indian can be considered as a twink, as long as they have a boyish face, slender body. The problem is that there seems to have no limit on how young a twink should look, a porn site that features twinks (or college boys) are really borderline pedophile heaven, yes the boys are beautiful, but sometimes watching a kid like Roxy Red is highly disturbing because the dude really does look like he's 14 years old.

As for the attitude, I have seen quite enough twinks in dating websites looking down at people who have passed the 30. They believe we're ancient. Which makes me laugh because I did a few years ago tested some of those sites and their members where I would post a picture of myself and not allow my age to be displayed, sure now, I do start to look my age and I have no freaking issue with that, but 5 or 6 years ago I still had my boyish face and I was being hit constantly by twinks age 18-25 and as soon they'd know that I was over 30, half of them would just change their mind, yet they were okay with the image but not the number. I couldn't care less since I was already in a long term relationship with a smart twink for a change.

Just like today, years ago I knew my attributes but never was I too cocky about it because honestly, is a twink better at sex because he's young and slender? Not really. So the twinks who believe they are hot shit today are in for a surprise. They'll get old and they may not look as good as they were in less than 10 years.

This is quite true. There is a special kind of tragic when all the years of tanning, hair-dying, and smoking take their inevitable toll and you're still dressing and acting like you're 22.

Since we are in the subject of the Gay community Label, let's see the other definition. You do not have to categorize yourself to any of those, they are just their to broaden the understanding of how some people within the gay community define themselves.


In the gay world, an otter would be considered a thin gay male that is hairy and may or may not use a trimmer to shorten body hair. Some have beards, some do not. Otters are usually smaller in frame when compared to the heavier cub or bear. Otters look a lot like what you would see in a picture of an otter ... they are hairy. A person can be an otter regardless of age. Otters are considered to be part of the larger bear community.

Otters characteristically are not super built but can be athletic. Again, they are hairy (some think they are smooth and that would be incorrect). Think of otters being somewhere between cubs and bears ...not as massive as bears and certainly smaller than cubs.


Characteristically, a wolf is gay male who is semi-hairy, muscular, lean, attractive and sexually aggressive. A wolf is sometimes considered to be part of the larger bear community or bear spectrum. Some also describe wolves as slimmer bears but there is a lot of disagreement on this.

Most all wolves have facial hair. Height or age is not assigned to wolves. Subgroups of wolves can be found in aging wolves, which are gay men with wolf like features that are starting to turn a bit gray.

And then there are full on silver or gray wolves, terms that describe an older wolf with gray or white facial/body hair.


Characteristically, a bear would be a gay man that is somewhat large and usually heavy but can be muscular. The bear projects an image of masculinity.

Some bears are so caught up in projecting a masculine image that they shun other would be bears who they feel come off as effeminate. Many bears consider themselves to be harmless and even playful.

Bear subtypes:

Muscle Bears: Body size is a function of muscle and not body fat
Polar Bears: Older bear with gray/white hair on face and most of body
Sugar Bears: Effeminate bears that are shunned by masculine bears


For gay men, the term cub is used to describe a younger (or younger looking) male, usually husky or heavier in body type and almost always hairy.

While many cubs have a beard, it is not a requirement to fit in this category. Body hair and huskiness are the dominant features for this gay descriptor.

Cubs are sometimes partnered with bears in passive relationships or with other cubs. Cubs can sometimes be considered an apprentice to a bear.

We have cub sub-types:

Muscle Cubs : Body size is attributable to muscular composition as opposed to body fat.
Sugar Cubs: Effeminate Cubs

Almost all cubs aspire to become bears within the larger bear community.


In the gay world, the term chub is used to describe an overweight or obese man. Chubs are a distinct sub-group within the gay male population and can be confused with bears. Many bears reject extremely large or obese chubs and do not consider them as part of their subgroup. Chubs have their own events, such as "Mr. Chub International". An extremely large chub is referred to as a superchub according to the research.

It is important to note that there exists a group of people called chasers. These individuals are attracted romantically and physically to chubs. Chasers are much smaller than chubs.


A pup typically is a gay male who is fairly young in age. Here we are talking late teens to early 20’s, give or take. Characteristically, pups have little experience in the gay world, are naïve, energetic and cute.

Pups are similar to cubs except pups are not involved in the bear community and likely do not even know this community exists within the larger gay spectrum.

You often hear more seasoned gay men tell very young gay men who are just coming out things like, "You are just a young pup- you have a lot to learn" or "You are just a pup - you are just a baby!"

Pups may have similar body types to twinks however, pups usually are super new to the gay world. Twinks however are not.


In the gay community, Bulls are considered to be super massive, muscular body builders that weigh somewhere in the 215-300 pound range.

Bulls are not necessarily part of the bear community and usually herd together as one might see them in their natural environment.

Twinks and Twunks

In gay terms, twinks are younger, slender, gay men that typically have little or no body hair and no facial hair.

Twink’s are usually anywhere from 18 to mid-20’s, give or take. A wrap on the twink is that many think that the world revolves around them.


Twunks are similar to twinks but are a lot more muscular. Some have assigned feminine and masculine characteristics to twunks. Sugar twunk, for example, to describe effeminate twunks.

Some have made the mistake of confusing twinks and twunks with tweakers. They are not related. Tweakers are younger gay men that use party drugs, like E and crystal meth and are very thin as a result of not ingesting enough calories.

Gym Bunnies

Gym bunnies are native to straight and gay worlds. Gym bunnies typically can be any age but usually below 50. Gym bunnies spend an obsessive amount of type working on their physique and are muscular and sculpted. Gym bunnies are similar to jocks except they are not usually connected to sports. Gym bunnies are at the gym to create a physique others will notice and look at. You often seen gym bunnies at the beach. They are often considered to be pretty.


For gay men, jocks are almost always muscular with low body fat and attractive. A jock can be of any age but are generally thought to be somewhat younger because their athletic abilities. Jocks are usually linked to actively playing sports. Years ago, the term "Jock" used to have a negative connotation in the straight world. For gays, to be called a jock is a compliment.

Gym Rats

Gym rats are somewhat similar to gym bunnies but gym rats are described as being addicted to the gym. While they may enjoy attention from others in public, that is not their motivation for working out. Their primary motive for long, daily lifting sessions relates more to an obsessive need to strength train and grow bigger. They are typically lean and very well built. Gym rats are called this name because they “live” in the gym, much like a rat lives in a basement. They are always there. The straight equivalent to a gym rat would be a muscle head.

Gym bunnies and Gym Rats are closely related. Again, the primary difference is that gym bunnies are all about sculpting their bodies. Gym rats are typically concerned with adding muscle size with the hope of becoming a bull.

Now go ahead and take the test

According to the test I am a Gym rat hahaha - fact is I HATE GYM lol

uh no, when I came out I felt like shit.


Twinksss <3

Yeah. As far as I have ever known, Twink has simply been porn lingo. So it must have changed throughout the years.

But as a person in the Twink age-range, 40 aint too old.

Wow I am blown away by the responses and I don't want anyone thinking that I was trying to attack twinks or young guys I just have had some crazy experinces when talking to younger guys and I usually never told them my age anyway unless I was asked and it came up. They would talk about how they didn't feel attracted to older guys that we about my age or older at the time and in the back of my mind I was like, well I am not that attracted to you or others the same age and its just like it can go both ways.

I mean the twinks can have the attitude as I am the shit and you are not but the older guys can have the same one and think they are the same and that they are too good for some punk kid. I mean these days I embrace all groups of people out there and being transgender I am not one to judge anyone and you will never see me do that again. I mean I totally am not into Drag Queens but I am not going to put them down simply because I can't stand drag shows, I mean I dress up in womans clothing but its in the comfort of my own home and there is no way that I could sing and do what they do, for Drag Queens they have some big ass BALLS.

Plus I suck with make up too, I watched a Boy to Girl Video on just make up and its like 30 minutes long and I am like I am going to truly suck with makeup if I do decide to go in public full time as a woman if I ever get to that point.

So yup thanks for all the responses and I was going to also comment on someone that posted above that has like 15,000 posts since 2010, that is crazy. I have been here for awhile as well and I only have 240 something, does that mean I have more of a life? just kidding. I wish I had been more supportive of people here and came here more in the last how many years I have been a member.

Ugh. This is a topic that can get me in trouble IRL and in a forum. Here we go.

I'm real uncomfortable around any people who are pretentious, skin deep and stuck on themselves. There are some guys who get called twinks just because of the way they appear....

Then there are guys who get called twinks as a polite word for what they really are.
conceited wormy shallow annoying creatures who act like the world is all about them.... and for some reason they gravitate to me -- not always trying to hook up but sometimes just to try to annoy someone they've never annoyed before. I've come up with a good way to get rid of them in bars.

Me: You sure are cute little birdbath!
Twink: (always assume it's a weird compliment & say something like) oh! Thanks! What does that mean?
Me: You're shallow as a birdbath and full of slimy bird shit... but you REALLY ARE cute.

One night in a bar in another state. late close to closing time I was talking to an older guy at the bar, a veteran and smart guy. Great conversation. He got up to pee and a twink came up and sat down. He was loud and told me he was better than the man I was talking to and he'd kill himself before he ever got that old. AT THE SAME MOMENT both bartenders slapped butcher knives down on the bar in front of him and begged him to go ahead and do it.

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