I think you would look great with those socks on Card... but just those socks... sure you would look very masculine. Pic request!
I love wearing feminine clothes I think it depends on your'e pesonality as to how well you carry it off. Not sure about those socks those card I think thats one pic I definately dont want to see.
What kind of clothes would you wear with those socks?I hope that your answer isn't shorts!I own a pair of black wool stockings and wear them during Winter and they're quite comfy.
I would look silly, I havent got the right shaped body for feminine clothes lol!
What I do have a problem with are kilts.Kilts are fine when you wear them to weddings,family dinners,galas etc but just not on normal days.It just looks odd.There's this kid that lives here at my complex and everytime I see him,he is wearing a kilt.He sometimes wraps a jersey around it to accessorize it I guess.To all the Scots out there,kilts and sneakers just dont go together!