For about the last ten years or so body hair/facial hair have been coming back into vogue. In the seventies I remember that most everyone had hair, and mustache's were de rigueur. Every time you unzipped someone's jeans give give them head there was a bird's nest of pubes to deal with and inevitably you got several of the wiry curlies in your mouth.
Sometime in the late seventies, early eighties it was as if someone dumped a cosmic ginormous bottle of Nair on the gay community (only the bear community and those deeply ensconced in closets managed to stay dry that day). Gym bunnies with smooth bodies became the height of fashion. Smooth and muscled stayed in style for quite a while. I blame Olivia Newton John. ("Let's get physical, physical...
Somewhere around the turn of the century carefully coiffed just got out of bed hair and artfully maintained facial stubble began to bridge the gap between the "just fell out of an International Male catalog" look and the "Chewbacca's coming to dinner" aesthetic.
I like fur, although a neatly pruned willie patch is also something I appreciate. No one giving a blow job likes digging natural floss out of their mouth. Some guys don't like the plucked chicken quality of skin when you shave your nad-sack, but again if you like a lovely tea bagging session, pubes can be a pain. Nothing can ruin a moment like a guy trying to cough out a pube -- it's too much like a cat coughing up a hair ball, y'know?
I also like to trim the anal brush. I don't like having to hunt for the hole. But that's me.
Some guys like it smooth and slippery, some guys want to climb Sasquatch, and a lot of us like a well maintained manscape. In the end (pardon the pun) do what makes you happy. As Cole Porter penned in song:
And it will lead you to the light.
The apple on the top of the tree
Is never too high to achieve,
So take an example from Eve,
Be curious,
Though interfering friends may frown.
Get furious
At each attempt to hold you down.
If this advice you always employ
The future can offer you infinite joy
And merriment,
And you'll see[/COLOR]

Just remember, once you start to shave, you're stuck shaving at least once a week. Three times a week if you're fastidious. As it is if you miss a few days shaving around the twig and berries it itches like a SOB. And if you scratch your junk too much guys start assuming you've got a nest of critters in your crotch. Not a good look.