I dont think I should post things when I'm tired, oops lol!
Sorry you are having a tough time at the moment. It sounds as though you've stepped off the path for a bit of a wander. Part of the way into your second year is probably an awkward time to change your course. It would probably have been easier at this time last year. I know a few people, including me, who chose to study something more general than a pure art form and realised afterward that we came out of our courses less than satisfied. I feel now that I would have been better off trying to become the best I could be as a practitioner in music, with the best training I could get and then look at a more vocational course afterward to lead me into the kind of work I wanted to do. I know dance and drama students who have also come to the same conclusions after their courses. :frown:
If you were good enough to be accepted as a fine art student (and you can find your mojo) I would recommend you see it through. Use the time to be innovative and experience what the art world has to offer before you get bogged down in the requirements of vocational study. Once you are in vocational territory, your art will definitely take a back seat. There will come a time in the future that you are more likely to regret pursuing your art than you are putting off becoming an art therapist.
This may seem like an age to you at the moment, but your time at university is SO short. I hope you can find it in you to become the best you can be.
Good luck
You sound exactly like me when I was in my second year of university. I didn't have many friends, I was questioning my goals, and I felt very lonely.
You need to make the decision that best suits you and will make you happy and satisfied. If you want to switch degrees, go talk to the departments and faculties and see what they can do.
As for friends at university. I made friends in my third year, because my classes had become so small and I joined a university group. It was great fun. Just take the time and talk to people in class when you can. We all have lots of problems (heck, I feel like part of my world in collapsing, but I'm still optimistic). Hopefully it will all work out for you.
Sorry guys, grrrrrrr I'm saying sorry again lol!
As Marshlander has said I've stepped off the path for a bit of a wander. Today I spoke to one tutor about my problems with the course and she short out that part, and later an other tutor who wants me to become a tutor too (who knows why lol), spoke to me too and got my art project back on the straight and narrow, so now I'm really a bit better now thank god.
And about the mate front a couple of the people my course are trying to sort some thing out for my birthday next week, so thats good too.
People aren't chatting to me because I'm always down so I really need to sort that bit out. I'm also hoping to sort out doing some thing with my mate from home this week...
Hope I haven't scared any one from chatting to me lmao!!
Hi All,
Sweet life is one big rollercoaster... When i was younger i wanted to do something in IT.. But never fulfilled it however life tends to iron out how you feel you want it.. On career choices your be in that job centre and your see a job which will stick out a mile away and your heart will be so set on it your give it the best you can to get it.. I beleive the first job you go for is the hardest BUT they do get easier let life go the way its ment to go
Dont rush you've got years ahead to decide
Kindest regards
zeon x
I guess being a moody Scorpion artist is just something you and your friends will have to deal with... Knowing my friend - it has made him one of the greatest designers... just getting him to produce is an issue. You seem well aware of your own issues so take care of those, maybe start therapy of some sort, it really can help talking to a stranger who doesnt really have a stake in your life... sometimes they can be real good and just hear things you may be missing... worth a try.
btw, if ya get a crazy one, as I have in the past, just tell her/him to fuc* off and try another.