11-05-2008, 04:59 PM
Does anyone on here have experience of setting up their own business? If so would you be willing to share the pros/cons/ups/downs and any gems of advice?
Also anyone who feels able to offer career advice is very welcome.
Feeling a little lost right now with a number of possibilities leading in several different directions and could do with an outside P.O.V. I may detail further on the thread later but I don't have time right now (or TBH the inclination, feeling a little despondant, partly aggravated by PMT!! Sorry guys)
Also anyone who feels able to offer career advice is very welcome.
Feeling a little lost right now with a number of possibilities leading in several different directions and could do with an outside P.O.V. I may detail further on the thread later but I don't have time right now (or TBH the inclination, feeling a little despondant, partly aggravated by PMT!! Sorry guys)