02-12-2015, 11:03 PM
What you'll need for anal recreation
1. Bottle with a nozzle (via. Enema Bottle, Douche)
2. Natural Regular Bowel Movement (before Douche)
3. Personal Lubricant (Actual SEX lube <--- NO kitchen materials\petroleum jelly)
4. Petroleum Jelly
5. Real TOYS (Dildos, Vibrators, Anal Beads, Fingers...)
6. 2-3 Shower Towels present
7. Dish Soap (Small bottle recommended)
Note: Salt Water is untested, I don't really recommend it for the amount of water being used and it would require exact measurements to prevent negative affects to your bowels
::Rectum Cleansing Directions::
1. Get your Douche bottle and Dish Soap
2. Take your Douche nozzle cap off and pour a dab of soap inside of the bottle
3. Pour water into the bottle and then attach nozzle and put soap on nozzle
4. Squirt out the inside and wash the outside of the bottle, repeat until no soap left
5. After your Douche is cleaned, pour 1\3 luke warm water into measuring cup
6. Pour water from measuring cup into Douche bottle and reattach nozzle
7. Apply Petroleum Jelly to the nozzle
8. Squat and slowly squeeze the air out of the bottle until a very small amount of water pours from the nozzle (Less gas pressure in rectum)
Note: Do not use on all fours or laying down or the water might move into your intestines
9. Insert Douche nozzle slowly into your rectum about 1 inch or less (If it hurts to go all the way in, squirt the water some and it will open up your anus more)
10. Count from 1-10 and remove nozzle and use the toilet for releasing
11. Repeat 1-10 Steps until you're 100% clean
Note: Shower after you've finished, DON'T USE SOAP ON YOUR ASS
::Sexual Preparations::
1. After your shower, use one towel for resting on... the second is for your utilities, sex toys and lube... the third will be for drying toys and hands off.
2. Put your douche away and put your sex toys and personal lubricant on your utility towel.
3. Lay on top of your resting towel and insert fingers with lube
4. After using two fingers insert small dildo and work your way up
Note: If poop remnants some how interfere and make a mess, rinse towel in sink until soaked in water... gather other towels and use them to transport the dirty\wet towel to the washing machine IMMEDIATELY.
As far as the time you should start your sexual preparations\activities... you want to start drinking your coffee around 10:30am and use the bathroom before 2:00pm. Sexual recreation can be committed until your next natural bowel movement. Around 10:30am I recommend drinking "Folger's Breakfast Blend" for the sake of triggering a bowel movement fast. For I have IBS and Constipation problems, and I recommend taking 2 TUMS tablets once a day around lunch time to feel great during anal practices. The "RECTUM CLEANSING" follows up as a cleaner for the natural bowel movement. IT IS NOT AN ENEMA\DOUCHE procedure, your goal is to use a minimal amount of water to restrict cleansing to just the rectum and not the upper colon\intestines. If water goes further than the rectum, you're very likely to trigger a series of bowel movements that could last for more than 24-48 hours. If this happens, assume your operation to be botched and DO NOT use sex toys\colon cleansing for at least 5-6 days. This isn't a colonoscopy, or a medical procedure PERIOD. This is for recreational purposes, and an ENEMA OR A DOUCHE does the very opposite. It will ruin your chances of enjoying anal sex practices completely for days. HOWEVER, in the operation you do use the Douche\Enema instruments to clean the rectum. But too much water WILL result in a very disgusting chain reaction that makes anal sex practices 100% unreliable. Plus because these procedures are very delicate, this will also help people understand how porn stars likely clean before anal sex. It works, but you have to know the do's and do not's. If you don't and you didn't digest my information well, READ AGAIN... there might not actually be any other way to prepare for anal intercourse. Oh yeah, while you cleanse your colon... you don't want to be over a carpet... its best to do it right over your bath tub and release your water in your toilet. There isn't really a clean way to do this stuff without these kind of procedures so don't give up or get sloppy.
One last thing, I dedicated this tutorial to GaySpeak.com for people here who seem to be afraid of anal intercourse and think it is nasty. It can be very clean and make you feel cleaner than you would normally be if you do it properly. Plus for those who chose to actually have anal sex, you're more likely to really have an enjoyable time than you would be if you were playing anal roulette with your butt. You never know what will happen if you're not taking precautions... and the last thing I would like to say is HAVE FUN
1. Bottle with a nozzle (via. Enema Bottle, Douche)
2. Natural Regular Bowel Movement (before Douche)
3. Personal Lubricant (Actual SEX lube <--- NO kitchen materials\petroleum jelly)
4. Petroleum Jelly
5. Real TOYS (Dildos, Vibrators, Anal Beads, Fingers...)
6. 2-3 Shower Towels present
7. Dish Soap (Small bottle recommended)
Note: Salt Water is untested, I don't really recommend it for the amount of water being used and it would require exact measurements to prevent negative affects to your bowels
::Rectum Cleansing Directions::
1. Get your Douche bottle and Dish Soap
2. Take your Douche nozzle cap off and pour a dab of soap inside of the bottle
3. Pour water into the bottle and then attach nozzle and put soap on nozzle
4. Squirt out the inside and wash the outside of the bottle, repeat until no soap left
5. After your Douche is cleaned, pour 1\3 luke warm water into measuring cup
6. Pour water from measuring cup into Douche bottle and reattach nozzle
7. Apply Petroleum Jelly to the nozzle
8. Squat and slowly squeeze the air out of the bottle until a very small amount of water pours from the nozzle (Less gas pressure in rectum)
Note: Do not use on all fours or laying down or the water might move into your intestines
9. Insert Douche nozzle slowly into your rectum about 1 inch or less (If it hurts to go all the way in, squirt the water some and it will open up your anus more)
10. Count from 1-10 and remove nozzle and use the toilet for releasing
11. Repeat 1-10 Steps until you're 100% clean
Note: Shower after you've finished, DON'T USE SOAP ON YOUR ASS
::Sexual Preparations::
1. After your shower, use one towel for resting on... the second is for your utilities, sex toys and lube... the third will be for drying toys and hands off.
2. Put your douche away and put your sex toys and personal lubricant on your utility towel.
3. Lay on top of your resting towel and insert fingers with lube
4. After using two fingers insert small dildo and work your way up
Note: If poop remnants some how interfere and make a mess, rinse towel in sink until soaked in water... gather other towels and use them to transport the dirty\wet towel to the washing machine IMMEDIATELY.
As far as the time you should start your sexual preparations\activities... you want to start drinking your coffee around 10:30am and use the bathroom before 2:00pm. Sexual recreation can be committed until your next natural bowel movement. Around 10:30am I recommend drinking "Folger's Breakfast Blend" for the sake of triggering a bowel movement fast. For I have IBS and Constipation problems, and I recommend taking 2 TUMS tablets once a day around lunch time to feel great during anal practices. The "RECTUM CLEANSING" follows up as a cleaner for the natural bowel movement. IT IS NOT AN ENEMA\DOUCHE procedure, your goal is to use a minimal amount of water to restrict cleansing to just the rectum and not the upper colon\intestines. If water goes further than the rectum, you're very likely to trigger a series of bowel movements that could last for more than 24-48 hours. If this happens, assume your operation to be botched and DO NOT use sex toys\colon cleansing for at least 5-6 days. This isn't a colonoscopy, or a medical procedure PERIOD. This is for recreational purposes, and an ENEMA OR A DOUCHE does the very opposite. It will ruin your chances of enjoying anal sex practices completely for days. HOWEVER, in the operation you do use the Douche\Enema instruments to clean the rectum. But too much water WILL result in a very disgusting chain reaction that makes anal sex practices 100% unreliable. Plus because these procedures are very delicate, this will also help people understand how porn stars likely clean before anal sex. It works, but you have to know the do's and do not's. If you don't and you didn't digest my information well, READ AGAIN... there might not actually be any other way to prepare for anal intercourse. Oh yeah, while you cleanse your colon... you don't want to be over a carpet... its best to do it right over your bath tub and release your water in your toilet. There isn't really a clean way to do this stuff without these kind of procedures so don't give up or get sloppy.
One last thing, I dedicated this tutorial to GaySpeak.com for people here who seem to be afraid of anal intercourse and think it is nasty. It can be very clean and make you feel cleaner than you would normally be if you do it properly. Plus for those who chose to actually have anal sex, you're more likely to really have an enjoyable time than you would be if you were playing anal roulette with your butt. You never know what will happen if you're not taking precautions... and the last thing I would like to say is HAVE FUN