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I'm here for community and support, I'd like to tell you a little about myself.

I'm a musician and a programmer/database admin. I'm a pretty normal friendly guy, who can make friends easily. I came to this site though because I've had to stop being around some friends who helped me. When my wife and I met and well after we were married she was very supportive of the fact that I'm bi. She even encouraged me to seek out men that she also enjoyed being around, (not sexually, she never participated in that part). I've been married for 10 years now and that has definitely changed. For the most part this changed after we had kids together. I completely understand that she wouldn't want me fooling around when we have a family. No problems there. I guess the problem is that to her me being gay or bisexual or whatever you want to call it has become an evil dirty topic that isn't to be talked about, even in private. If I am found on this forum for example it would be a big bad deal.

I love my wife, and I DO NOT want to break up our family. I know that many people would say that I should leave because she doesn't love me for who I am etc... the only problem with that is that I don't want to leave. Do I miss the openness that we used to have, yes of course. I don't just mean the open relationship part, but the open acceptance of each other that we used to have. Now she has turned into a super conservative, almost to the point of conspiracy theorist crazy. She's always quoting things that so and so said, (with no sources), and when I look them up they are usually complete B.S. So I feel that we've lost that too. She's turning into her parents and I'm probably turning into mine. At least I certainly resemble my family, which has several out of the closet gays and generally has a very academic progressive thinking point of view.

I'm not here for advice exactly... I just hope to feel that sense of community that you get from being around people who share some common interests.

Welcome to GS !!

Welcome to GS!

hI there and welcome - you say musician - any particular instrument ? Im a drummer but also have guitars and bass...do you multi task or stick to one thing ?

Welcome to GS. Smile

Welcome to the forum...and I just want to say that I respect the way you're handling your situation. I've met guys who claim to be in "monogamous straight relationships" but still feel that it's somehow fine to fool around with guys behind their partner's back. I'm sure that it isn't easy for you.

I hope that you stick around and join in the discussions...there are some great people here!

matty7 Wrote:hI there and welcome - you say musician - any particular instrument ? Im a drummer but also have guitars and bass...do you multi task or stick to one thing ?
Hi Matty7,

I primarily play guitar, but I also play bass, piano, and even some mandolin for fun, (it was something new to tinker with). I can't really call myself a drummer, I can handle drums if there is ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ELSE ha ha. I'm the last person you would call, on everything else I'm pretty decent. I've run a lot of local jams and open mics where I'm at, played in a few bands around town and taught lessons in guitar and bass guitar.

Pyromancer Wrote:Welcome to the forum...and I just want to say that I respect the way you're handling your situation. I've met guys who claim to be in "monogamous straight relationships" but still feel that it's somehow fine to fool around with guys behind their partner's back. I'm sure that it isn't easy for you.

I hope that you stick around and join in the discussions...there are some great people here!
Thanks pyromancer,

It's definitely a challenge, I think it would be a lot easier if my wife could talk and joke with me about it like we used to. You know it isn't like I crave men or something, (most of the time), lol. Its just that I have a different perspective and I feel pretty alienated by my wife's growing love of politicians that push anti-gay propaganda. Its not that she's anti gay exactly.... but its getting kind of uncomfortable. And she definitely seems to wish she could erase the fact that she ever knew I was. But I agree, running around behind someones back, no matter what the reason, isn't good for any relationship. Not even a friendship.

Hi Guitarman! Welcome to GS Smile

I love your honesty. I am sorry about what has happened in your relationship....it sucks....Hopefully she will have a change of heart or mind and evolve a bit....

Nice to meet you Wavey

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