hey dude what you do at night or day in your bed is your own thing my boyfriend is 5'9"and weighed over 400 lbs 3 years ago and today he weighs in around 250 he had surgery and he lost his lover 2 years ago he is the sweetest man i have ever met my point is if you like heavy men then man go for it in the end you are the one that needs to keep you happy
I don't think I explained myself very well. It's not just a 'preference' for bigger men. I tried to dance around this earlier but I don't think I got the point across. There are people who want to make themselves bigger. For me, these thoughts have come and gone since I was very young. I hope those thoughts don't win in the end because I would be happier as a thin person. I thought I better explain this - there is nothing disgusting about fat people and there is nothing wrong with liking them. But there is a darker side to admiring bigger people - there are people who have made themselves very big, either because they like fat people and want to be one, or else because the act of getting bigger excites them. I know that many people are probably horrified / disgusted by this. I am not proud of it, but it's part of my sexuality. There are, however, people who unashamedly make themselves huge. I have tried to explain myself, but I probably just ended up dancing around the issue again. I am not looking for support or anything, and I expect a lot of people to be disgusted - I'm just trying to 'own' my sexuality / interests.
I think you must be disappointed how mild the reaction is that you're getting.
....so you have a nascent fetish for feeders...pretty mild compared to some fetishes.
It is clear though that you have a huge number of issues surrounding your emotional and sexual development that are well beyond the experience or expertise of 99% of the guys here so you will continue to get encouragement to move outside of the cocoon your parents provide for you and seek real counselling and psychological/psychiatric investigation.
And stop dancing around the points you want to make. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
If you fear that your fatty fetish might lead you to choose this route yourself....then for heaven's sakes seek out the therapeutic input tomorrow. All excessive eating habits...whether serious undereating or binging and gaining just to be big are indicative of a metabolic/neurochemical psychiatric issue.
As usual, good luck.
I didn't mean chunky guys were disgusting. I meant that the other things that accompany this 'fetish' are a bit 'gross'.