01-03-2009, 11:46 PM
Arthur.FWT Wrote:Ubuntu's awesome, but their insistence that it's Linux's Ready For Prime-Time distribution is just plain not true. Once it's set up and you're used to it, it's a doddle to use and faaaar faster than anything non-Linux (apart from more esoteric OSs like BSD) but ask a regular user to edit Fstab and Menu.lst by hand and, ehhh, not so much.
Uh oh. I'm geeking right out, I should nip back to SlashDot and get it out of my system!
I'm avoiding my geek outbursts

Ubuntu is a very advanced system, it has been ready for "prime-time distribution" for quite a while now, fstab and all that command like stuff have GUI applications which Ubuntu use.
A lot of people on the Ubuntu forums tell you to use the command line just due to the simplicity of diagnosing problems it makes it a lot easier.
Ubuntu is used in a lot of business areas, one I heard of was used by the British government just due to the security advantages it stopped the idiotic Windows users opening up excutable attachments in emails

BSD doesn't really focus greatly on the Desktop market, it has mostly focused its POWERFUL system on servers, which 90% of the internet is made up of Unix based servers, which is where the Linux kernel came from.
The only reason its not used widely is because people shit themselves when something changes in their routine.
So much for avoiding my geekyness.
fjp999 Wrote:Read a great letter from a PC mag. The guy was pointing out that the writers gushing over W7 were the same gushing over Vista at the beginning... then MS started pulling back promises, things started getting blacker and blacker and those same writers were UGH UGH UGH over Vista... but then after a bit were gushing over Vista again... it is their job I guess.

Wont be long untill Vista is accepted, which is when I will focus all my effort on becoming a Machead