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Tough to discuss
Spinz and Darius, thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

Spinz: Your frankness is admirable and no offense taken. Without knowing me a lot better, I can understand why you made the points you did. If I may, let me try a explaining a couple of points back to you. I have not and still do not want to become involved in a "real deep, loving, intimate, sexual committed relationship" as your refer to. This isn't for everyone. I am not lonely or lacking in activities to fulfill my life. I have friends and relatives that I do many things with. I have the means to acquire just about anything I care to have. However, I enjoy intimate and passionate sexual activity. But I only enjoy it with someone who I have developed a meaningful relationship with based on other conditions besides a romantic LTR. So there is a lot more that goes on between me and the other person besides "hot and ready sex". What has become the challenge is my aging. The number of guys who find interest in exploring gay sex for casual, no strings attached activity becomes fewer when the older guy isn't somewhat attractive or has more in common. The interests of the guys much younger than me are harder for me to find interesting for sharing together. That is understandable to me. So this has lead me to exploring other ways to reach a larger number of young guys. The challenge with this of course is identifying the true motives and desires of the younger guy. I am trying to determine if there are some younger guys that genuinely appreciate someone much older than themselves. I know there are many guys who find someone 20 to 30 years older interesting and sexually pleasing. I have been in that role. My dilemma is I am now up at the 40 to 45 years difference. I may have to resolve that my days of enjoyable NSA interludes are coming to an end. I can deal with that if necessary. I just want to be sure it is what I have to accept. There are certainly benefits to that with regards to financial costs and dealing with the emotional dramas I assist with as these younger guys evolve through pursing their dreams and goals. When you say "It's what is inside that counts", I don't think you give me credit that I have a great passion for what is inside these guys I have been with. That is exactly why I have devoted the time and resources to help them pursue their dreams and goals. I get great pleasure out of seeing them achieve something that is important to them. Not just spoiling them. Sometime this has been a heterosexual relationship and having kids. If you knew me a lot better, I think you would see my intentions are good and my past experiences have been enjoyable for the most part. No regrets. Thanks for your thoughtfulness though.

Darius: I don't consider myself in the closet. I am not out professing my sexual preference to the world. It is more personal to me. I am open to those I trust. There are many family and friends that I can share with that I am not involved with. For the privacy and respect of those I have been involved with, I don't discuss a lot about what I do with who. I provide a lot of support in many ways to a lot of people I am not involved with sexually. To the majority of those who know me, there are no reasons for them to suspect who I might be sexually involved with. Maintaining this discrete behavior is also a challenge for me as I have gotten older. I think one point that may help is that I have never related sexual activity as being an important criteria for romantic love. I enjoy sex and especially pleasing my partner sexually. I have had sincere feeling for just about every one of my past companions. It is what encourages my desire to help them achieve their dreams and goals. In general, it has always been a situation of mutual gratification. I hope that doesn't sound crude. I don't believe you would find any of my past companions to agree with that. Your comment about if I "read and believe" in the internet is a hard one or should I say the "believing" part is. In that past, I have known those who I eventually opened up to about sexual interest. This was when I felt we had built a trust that I could count on. BTW, there have been cases that were not receptive but did not destroy our friendship. It was just the point where they understood it was something I desired very much for a more involved companionship. Again, I am not aware of any negative fallout from this. Believing some (or a lot) of the agendas of those on the internet is hard. Not a problem if I wanted to just be a sugar daddy and have sex toy boys. There is much more I want out of it and finding the right type of guy is probably going to be difficult. I actually thought finding a gay website such as GS where maybe there are more mature and open minded individuals there would be a chance of discovering someone to explore my preferences. CAMFER doesn't seem to think so but I will be patient for a while longer. It seems like many read what is being said but not many comment. Thanks for yours and all the best to you in your pursuit of happiness.

Bowyn Aerrow:
Some very wise comments and truths. I believe I do share a number of the self opinions that you mentioned. I too am not the athletic and physically strong individual I was. I'm doing okay with that. Some times are harder than others but it doesn't get me down. Sometimes it is even funny. I understand the 12 step program. Was involved with SLAA for a while. Over the years, I have worked with a couple of counselors. Not always related to my sexual identity or behaviors. I am a war veteran. So I appreciate the help of counselors. In recent times, I have met a few times with two different counselors. One who is straight and one who is gay. It helps to talk about my situation. Even this forum provides good discussion. The counselors have the advantage of hearing a lot more and delving deeper into my perceptions. They encourage me in many of the topics you mentioned but they have also recognized that I am not a basket case about this. I think there is some interesting views they get from me.

I may not ever get involved as I have in the past with anyone ever again. I can accept that. What I don't want to accept is that I stop trying. This would go against everything I have ever professed to the guys I have helped in the past about pursing what they want in life. I will be careful and patient. I do not want to be a part of messing with anyone who has already had others abuse them or have messed up their thinking. It seems you have gotten control over your past but I still want you to know I am sorry your young life was so bad for you. I have been very careful to understand the individuals I have opened up to and never any pressure if they did not have or lost interest. I never "dumped" anyone over their lack of interest in my desires.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Its nice to know others are out there that want to be helpful and not just bash or judge others for what they believe. Take care.

With the terms you describe...I think you already know the answer...and you say you are ready to accept it...I think you may have to do that.....

....or you can pay for it ...prostitutes...and get the best looking guys your money can buy...

You have one thing going for you that most people don't. You know who you are..and you own it. Because of that..I am not going to give you any further advice.

I do want to thank you for not entering into the "gay people are all so shallow and horrible rant" that a lot of people who are like you but DON'T own any of it go on about...

It is refreshing....so thanks again...

...and good luck to you in your endeavors...

At one point in my life (around 7 or 8 years ago) I would have jumped your bones, man. Because, what you're describing that you want, would have been my ideal.

[MENTION=22971]Spinz[/MENTION] has a point in his reply, but there ARE young men out there that just aren't looking ahead. They live in the moment. They don't believe their looks will ever fade, they don't think about the future. And, to be honest? That's what you need to be looking for.

RUoutthere Wrote:I am trying to determine if there are some younger guys that genuinely appreciate someone much older than themselves.

Rest assured, they're out there. They're just more difficult to find at 66. But as @BowynAerrow said...

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:all of the nice, honest to goodness young guys who find older men to be hot without glancing at the wallet are not only far and few between".

He also says...

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Yes there are young men seeking older men - but the majority of those are gold diggers. You need to accept that chances are high any young guy who is going to pay any attention to you will do so with a price tag attached.

This is correct, and something to consider. You would probably have better luck if you -wanted- a 'sugar daddy' relationship with a younger guy. I hate to say it, but I would venture to guess it would help. Granted, it doesn't foster loyalty, and parting isn't always as "easy" as you've made it out to be with your past companions. BUT, if you're wealthy, this might be something to consider.

There's nothing that says you can't develop a good rapport with these men as well. It's possible. Just that it's the money that's bringing them through the door as their initial focus (as opposed to you as a person being the initial draw).

*Eyes Twist and gives a low, very quiet growl*

There will be no jumping of bones. MINE

Hi Twisttheleaf,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have appreciated everyone's comments. they have been sincere, honest, and mostly supportive. That can do a lot for anyone who is struggling with something in their life. I hope that all who have taken the time to review my situation are doing well in their lives and relationships, no matter what their standards are.

I would like to respond to your comment on being a sugar daddy and finding tricks, chicken, or whatever other names those who find relationships between older and younger come up with. Sex for just sex doesn't do much for me. I would do just as well with a good porno site and it wouldn't cost anything. I actually develop a sincere interest in the companions I have had sexual relationships with in the past. It just did not include looking into each others eyes and talking about all the years will will be spending together. I always made it clear that my interest was purely sexual activity. This came about after getting to know them and sensing an appreciative and honest concern for me. It often started off with them opening their acceptance to another guy entering into their personal space. I enjoyed pleasing another guy and being sexually satisfied by the other guy was not critical. Just that they were comfortable with whatever we did. That was what I enjoyed and I would always feel some "trick" would be faking it.

I am not some super rich guy. Since I have been single and always had a good job, I have reached a point of reasonable financial security. My career has also allowed me to meet a number of business people that have helped me at times with providing resources or opportunities for some of the companions I was helping. Some of those companions were not sexually involved with me. Since I have been able to help some people (not all), my family and friends have sometimes suggested to others to get in touch with me for advice or possible help. From this, there have been those that have just seemed special to me and at some point I wanted to be involved with them sexually. I will miss all that if I finally determine it is just too time demanding and frustrating to find those types of guys anymore. It doesn't mean that I might not still find myself in a situation of helping someone. I just seem to be lacking the confidence of opening up to the real young ones and I am finding it hard to be real interested in what most of them are interested in. However, they are still very attractive to me for my desires for sex.

Best wishes to you and your pursuit of happiness.

Hi East and thanks.

There are shallow people in all walks of life. Being gay is a big enough challenge without adding judgmental names to describe those who are just trying to make it through life like everyone else using what that have learned and what is available to them. I think one of the reasons I have had the companions of the past that I have is because I do not judge and I try not to criticize. I do rely on experience to determine what involvement I should offer, especially now that I am older and what financial resources I do have could easily be the other persons motive and not a mutual recognition of physical attractions. I also can fully retire at any time and it is wise for me to consider the possibility of living a long number of years and needing to be a good steward of my financial security.

Best wishes for you and any relationship you are involved in.

It's strange trying to place myself in your situation, I think a relationship with someone is amazing. Having someone who is ready to catch you when you fall, turn the lights out at night and be there for kissing in the morning is incredible! Knowing/Believing they will be with you for the rest of your life to me is much better than just sex or anything temporary that you know will one day end.

Perhaps this quest of yours is the later part of my above run on sentence, the part that is coming to a end. I hate that you are unsatisfied and worried about the present and future and I feel really sad that you dont have the ability/desire to build a long term relationship with someone. But if you give up looking then you are doomed to fail, if you continue trying to find the right someone you may be lucky Smile.

I watched a show just yesterday that had a younger man marrying an older guy. It was called "an honest liar" its on Netflix and you may enjoy it! But as that show concludes and what everyone here has said, the people you are looking for exist, but they are very rare so keep your eyes open, stay positive and maybe the next "temp" will be so amazing he gets a permanent position Smile. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you, good luck!

RUoutthere Wrote:Hi East and thanks.

Best wishes for you and any relationship you are involved in.

Thank you...I wish the same for you today...and in the future..

In September...I will have been with my man for 30 years. I never searched for love...I tried to outrun it..but it caught me.

I do like to mentor younger guys and try to help them. I figure since that is a role that older people have in general..I owe it to younger gay men as an older gay man to give them whatever guidance/wisdom/advice from experience I have...but no sexual attraction for me at all. I think 40 is my youngest attraction and even that is getting rough..maybe move that up to 45 now. I have always liked my own general age group +/- 10 years....mostly because of shared life experiences....and it doesn't really matter now because I know I will never leave my man..'til death to us part is the way it will be for me...

As for the age compatibility in general...I want someone to know the music...the politics...the social changes...the whole vibe...of the world we shared...and at any age of my life..it was always guys around my own age that naturally attracted me for either sex or love...

I dont' see my choice as better or worse than anyone elses. It works for me...and since I am the one walking in my own shoes...I am cool with it. I extend that to anyone else as long as there are two of more consenting adults involved...consenting adults are the key words...

I have harsh judgements about people who have sex with children...or who force anyone to have sex against their will....(or have sex with other species..EEK)...but other than that...whatever works for you or anyone else....rock it! I don't think age difference should be anyone;s business really except the people involved....and there is nothing wrong with it......

RUoutthere Wrote:Many thanks to all of you. Especially for being considerate of my situation. I truly believe your suggestions are sincere and based on your experiences in life. A couple of the suggestions, or a form of them, were interesting to me and worth exploring.

Anocxu: I do appreciate your candid comments. I respect your commitment in life to do your best to have a meaningful monogamous relationship and have that special someone to live out your life with. While it may be difficult for you to comprehend how I could really be satisfied with my relationship preferences, I am quite comfortable with believing in them. My earlier years had many circumstances that put me in situations with a large number of guys my age when I was real young and younger guys as I got older that found me discrete and trustworthy to explore feelings they were curious about. As you can imagine, the greater the generation gap, the more difficult it is to relate. However, I still enjoy the satisfaction of being a good listener and a very encouraging person when someone has ideas about their future. I like to think of myself as someone who can remove a road block or hurdle for others. Sometimes this is financial. Sometimes it is through connections I have. Sometimes it is just simple constant encouragement and a little relentless persistence to not giving up. It seems that one or more of these commitments on my part has open the other persons barriers to understanding what I am looking for. Then, for a period of time until they want to get serious with someone or move on to a different life style, I feel complete and a sense of accomplishment. Believe me, the couple of counselors that I have come to respect and enjoy working with find me unique in some ways. I don't necessarily enjoy that but it has helped me cope at times. But thank you again for your thoughts about my long term welfare.

BTW, since I am new at this, I apologize if referring to you gentlemen by your GS site name is bad manners. If I should be using first names, please let me know.

I will continue this exploration and see what others may have to offer. I have and will continue to weigh all the possibilities and as I do in the other areas of my life, try to make some good decisions and adjustments, even if that means dedicating more of my time to other interest rather than young guys.

Ya'll take care. (That's Texas talk )
Most guys around here initially think i'm a smart mouth prick...
I really am not.
Eventually they catch on to my tactics...
I genuinely love to see when others do well..

Change only comes with challenge.
My post was simply to get you to challenge yourself...

I am very happy to see you around these forums.

Ps....My ex lover Darius gave me an STD.

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