sI have undiagnosed Aspergers. Back when I was a kid few doctors knew of it, so I went undiagnosed, and now I did the online tests and score low (high?) for it.
I got a lot of the "symptoms" of Aspergers... I just learned how to deal with it and how to blend in by going to the mall and other places people congregate and watched people and learned how they do stuff and learned to be a good actor.
Understand with dating, everyone gets nervous, jitters and this on again off again feeling. Many are anxious to the point of running away. Sooooo.... what you are feeling may not be so much Aspergers as "normal" first date jitters.
As for what to talk about: It so happens that either conversation will flow freely, or it won't. It's all about compatibility between humans. Even normal people without any issues can have uncomfortable dates which is usually a sign that things are not going to end well for the couple as a couple.
There are no hard fast rules to dating.
I personally put my shit out there first:
1. PTSD with screaming
2. Uncontrolled Epilepsy.
3. Degenerative spine disease.
These three are 'big ones' which a lot of guys don't want to take on so its best to be honest, put it out there what you got going on instead of trying to hide it and end up surprising them with shit they can't handle and then get all upset when they run away.
IF the dude is still there after I say what is wrong with me, I then move on to interests, camping, hunting, gardening, walking in the woods to relax (let's not talk about the body I'm dragging behind me

) --> Humor is my thing, so if a guy can 'get' my dark humor we are on working level.
Sadly too many people want to hide 'shit' and pretend to be something they ain't in order to score. That NEVER ends well, as eventually (6-9 months later) you stop being the actor and the real you comes out.h
Try to relax, and try to be your real self - whoever that is.
Most dates go no where - that is the purpose of dating, to see if "we" are compatible enough... Don't be surprised to learn you ain't a working couple - it happens.
Good luck