Worst thing: laundry day...and I spilled the laundry soap so that I had a huge mess to clean up and my hands felt greasy for about an hour.
Best thing: hugged by a 12-year-old boy "just because."
I'm proud of how he's become so self-confident yet nice, polite but not spineless and will assert himself as he feels he must (which are usually for understandable reasons). I think of him as like Harry Potter in that way, strong without being obnoxious about it, affectionate without being clingy or manipulative about it. I worry about when he starts to rebel but his older sister didn't rebel that much so maybe I'll get lucky with him as well.
Not sure what to think of it: out running errands earlier today I saw some buggies of the store I was going to and as used to be a habit of mine I tried to take them with me, but they now have an electronic lock on them (have for awhile now) that after a certain distance the wheels will lock into place. I have no idea how people managed to get those buggies as far from the stores as they did (I presume some jury rigging to temporarily counter the wheel locks, or maybe forcing kids to help, though some did look abandoned in frustration), it was too hard for me to drag them back.
So as I got to the store I happened to catch a guy who has worked there for many years and I told him about it and how until they put those locks on them I'd bring the buggies back I saw when I walked over and was curious now if they lost less buggies now than they did before.
He says yes, it has made a big difference. Which means far more people were taking buggies than people like me bringing them back as we found them. In a way that's depressing, OTOH it comforts me that I'm not some cold, clinical person without empathy that some people on the internet like to say I am (and some people in real life actually say much worse, but they barely know me and it's kind of funny sometimes).
Ominous thought: day is still young, maybe better

mile: ...and worse :eek:...is in store for me! Hope I didn't jinks myself, OTOH, hope I helped something even better happen later on!