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Bitter people, Twisted minds, toxic relationships
verysimple Wrote:To be honest, this post is rather depressing to read. Stating that "running" to a more LGBT tolerant place won't make life easier is pure bullshit! That clearly and surly shows you have absolutely no idea what it's like to live somewhere in a community that rejects your existence as a homosexual. Hence, you are not allowed to think, feel or live... YES, IT IS THAT BAD! Let alone not being accepted by your family without them even knowing that you are gay... I don't ask for life to be easier although I am pretty sure it will get easier.. I'm just asking for a better life, somewhere I can just be! Somewhere life can be simple. and I know that then it will be up to me to live it simple. That's why leaving all of this shit behind is the best thing that could ever happen to me... Ever!

Hmm. There are at least a half dozen names I can throw out of gay guys who were murdered in the street for being gay by a group of thugs in Good Ole USA 1989-2994.

I can also distinctly recall having the police flat ass refuse to arrest my 2nd partner after he beat be hard enough to land me in hospital with broken bones, contusions and internal bleeding - their reasoning? "Its just to faggots - who cares?"

See not too long ago the USA, the UK, Canada and many other places were where Jordan is right now. Things did NOT get better because all of us LGBT got up and ran to someplace more tolerant, it got better because we banned together and fought back. Literally and politically.

Gays in the USA just got their right to serve in the military openly just a couple years ago - prior to that we had "Don't Ask, Don't tell" and prior to that you HAD to tell or face federal and military criminal charges.

Sodomy laws in the USA didn't get over turned across the nation until 2003 - up to that point in many states being a homosexual having sex was a felony - a sex crime, a sex offense that could land you up on the sex offender list.

You think shit is bad in Jordan - yeah it is - but its not really "better" everywhere else - sure Canada has freedom for gays to marry, there are still plenty who would kill a gay with less remorse than shooting a moose.

I'm sorry if reality depresses you - life is depressing, life sucks.

I'm currently in a homeless medical rest facility, all the guys here are homeless and are so sick they need to be in a shelter where they are getting minimal medical care.

The guy across the aisle from me is 22 years old, He lisps due to a speech impediment. He is currently healing from having his hip screwed back together because 6-8 "straight" thugs THOUGHT he was gay because of his lisp and decided to beat him with a stick.

The kid ain't gay - but was assumed gay and a gang of thugs taught him 'God's love' and "tolerance" for being gay - even though the kid is no more gay than the moon.

Life isn't easier no where. Sorry it just doesn't work that way. No matter where you go there is an "Us" and a "Them" and Us and Them are always at each others throat.

And thanks for the infraction - my post not making sense TO YOU is because you are young, idealistic and have this silly notion that life is fair somewhere and that life outside of Jordon is magically better.

It's not.

Don't get me wrong, I do feel for you and I'm sorry life is sucking for you in this particular way - but life sucks for everyone in one way or another.

What makes life better is that we learn to live with how life sucks for us, learn coping skills, and learn a little fucking empathy to make life a wee bit easier for others.

I'll tell you this much, infraction me for helping you with some solid, hard one experience didn't make my life easier, didn't make my life any happier - it just help to make me just a little bit more jaded and a whole hella lot more hateful of your generation.

Remember that the next time your arse gets beaten down or an older person ignores you and your 20-something issues - because, no doubt another 20 something did something incredibly stupid and selfish to cause that person to wash their hands of your generation.

BTW have a nice day.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Hmm. There are at least a half dozen names I can throw out of gay guys who were murdered in the street for being gay by a group of thugs in Good Ole USA 1989-2994.

I can also distinctly recall having the police flat ass refuse to arrest my 2nd partner after he beat be hard enough to land me in hospital with broken bones, contusions and internal bleeding - their reasoning? "Its just to faggots - who cares?"

See not too long ago the USA, the UK, Canada and many other places were where Jordan is right now. Things did NOT get better because all of us LGBT got up and ran to someplace more tolerant, it got better because we banned together and fought back. Literally and politically.

Gays in the USA just got their right to serve in the military openly just a couple years ago - prior to that we had "Don't Ask, Don't tell" and prior to that you HAD to tell or face federal and military criminal charges.

Sodomy laws in the USA didn't get over turned across the nation until 2003 - up to that point in many states being a homosexual having sex was a felony - a sex crime, a sex offense that could land you up on the sex offender list.

You think shit is bad in Jordan - yeah it is - but its not really "better" everywhere else - sure Canada has freedom for gays to marry, there are still plenty who would kill a gay with less remorse than shooting a moose.

I'm sorry if reality depresses you - life is depressing, life sucks.

I'm currently in a homeless medical rest facility, all the guys here are homeless and are so sick they need to be in a shelter where they are getting minimal medical care.

The guy across the aisle from me is 22 years old, He lisps due to a speech impediment. He is currently healing from having his hip screwed back together because 6-8 "straight" thugs THOUGHT he was gay because of his lisp and decided to beat him with a stick.

The kid ain't gay - but was assumed gay and a gang of thugs taught him 'God's love' and "tolerance" for being gay - even though the kid is no more gay than the moon.

Life isn't easier no where. Sorry it just doesn't work that way. No matter where you go there is an "Us" and a "Them" and Us and Them are always at each others throat.

And thanks for the infraction - my post not making sense TO YOU is because you are young, idealistic and have this silly notion that life is fair somewhere and that life outside of Jordon is magically better.

It's not.

Don't get me wrong, I do feel for you and I'm sorry life is sucking for you in this particular way - but life sucks for everyone in one way or another.

What makes life better is that we learn to live with how life sucks for us, learn coping skills, and learn a little fucking empathy to make life a wee bit easier for others.

I'll tell you this much, infraction me for helping you with some solid, hard one experience didn't make my life easier, didn't make my life any happier - it just help to make me just a little bit more jaded and a whole hella lot more hateful of your generation.

Remember that the next time your arse gets beaten down or an older person ignores you and your 20-something issues - because, no doubt another 20 something did something incredibly stupid and selfish to cause that person to wash their hands of your generation.

BTW have a nice day.

I don't know what's up with you lately that has left you feeling this way, but this young man is living in a society where the people in a position of moral authority encourage the murder of LGBT persons. Telling him that "things are the same everywhere" is not only a marked disservice, it is also rather insulting.
I have never known you to be purposefully cruel. I will choose to believe, for the nonce, that something in his O.P. touched a nerve in you, and (as a result) you are projecting your own disillusionment with life on to him.
Based solely on what you have shared with us about your own situation over these past couple of years, I think that perhaps you should have picked up and moved away from your own problems, but you were too afraid to do so and wasted your chance...?
Idk, but what I DO know is this: This young man was unfortunate enough to be born in one of the most FATAL areas in the world for LGBT people. We should ALL be encourging him to flee for his life and doing anything we can to help him and others like him, and if you really are so jaded and bitter that you cannot step aside from your own misery long enough to say something positive and helpful....well, at least have the decency to keep it to your self.


Most of us understand the situation you face in your region and it IS quite different than it is in many other places. Most of us have no idea what it is like...and I am sorry that you or any other GLBT person has to live in those circumstances....

If you want to leave...there is a lot of hope and a lot of places in the world where you can live with much better circumstances.....

Beaux Wrote:I don't know what's up with you lately that has left you feeling this way, but this young man is living in a society where the people in a position of moral authority encourage the murder of LGBT persons. Telling him that "things are the same everywhere" is not only a marked disservice, it is also rather insulting.
I have never known you to be purposefully cruel. I will choose to believe, for the nonce, that something in his O.P. touched a nerve in you, and (as a result) you are projecting your own disillusionment with life on to him.
Based solely on what you have shared with us about your own situation over these past couple of years, I think that perhaps you should have picked up and moved away from your own problems, but you were too afraid to do so and wasted your chance...?
Idk, but what I DO know is this: This young man was unfortunate enough to be born in one of the most FATAL areas in the world for LGBT people. We should ALL be encourging him to flee for his life and doing anything we can to help him and others like him, and if you really are so jaded and bitter that you cannot step aside from your own misery long enough to say something positive and helpful....well, at least have the decency to keep it to your self.

Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Modesto, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Portland - there is a long list of cities I have lived in and I see the exact same "hate the other" activities. These places were a hell of a lot worse in the 1980's than they are in 2015 simply because we in the LGBT community stood our ground. Yes we were beaten, imprisoned, murdered, hung on fences to die - but through those many atrocities we won a voice, a much needed voice that has lead to an era of tolerance and Same Gendered Marriage spreading from state to state like wild fire.

One thing that the USA does which annoys the hell out of me is it tries to "liberate" and "give" democracy to other nations. This typically leads to the bombing of innocent people in the way of "freeing" them from their tyrants, and I have yet to see one nation which hasn't actually gotten worse from the interference from the USA in its affairs.

The USA wasn't handed Democracy, it pried it out of the cold dead fingers of the British it killed in battle. The French didn't get democracy from some other nation, instead they devised a simple machine to remove the heads of their tyrants and send a clear message that keeps the french government afraid of it's people.

Every nation where someone else came in and "gave" them liberty and democracy have rapidly reverted back to dictatorships - or worse. WE did that, WE made it worse in our self righteous, self appointed mission to "save the world". IF a people want their own freedoms they have to stand their ground, say "I won't" then fight back. Yes their are martyrs - many of them, but each one that is murdered fortifies others to stand up and say "I won't"

The other thing that annoys me is all of these people who want to run away from places because they are hated, killed, whatever instead of standing their ground and chiseling a line in the rock saying "I will NOT be moved."

Using the USA as an example of history and the mindset of running to a "better place".

1. Blacks should have ran back off to Africa instead of standing their ground and demanding equality. I'm quite certain equality in the USA would have solved itself if all the blacks just up and ran away in the 1960's instead of having a strong leader like MLKJ stand up and say "I shall not be moved!" No it's not perfect, but I assure you had the blacks fled the USA would be a far, far less black tolerant place than it is.

2. Stonewall Riots: Shouldn't have happened, the cross dressers should have just be lead away in hand cuffs meekly and then ran away to someplace - IDK some uninhabited island in the middle of no where instead of standing up and saying "I will not be forced to be like you."

Had it taken place the LGBT movement wouldn't have happen. Instead of chatting nicely here on an open gay forum we would be toe-tapping and trying to figure out the newest way to signal other gays praying we won't be caught, arrested, made into sex offenders - whatever,

3. Women's liberation, big mistake, woman should have just packed their bags and left for greener pastures instead of fighting for the right to vote, fighting for equality.

Imagine the perfection of the USA if every minority just up and ran away from their problems.

In the 2000's we have seen a lot of huge steps taken forward for the LGBT community in the USA - its not because we all ran away to a 'better place' and hid and allowed ourselves to wallow in self pity. It's because we marched, because we rose up and opposed our enemies, because of Harvey Milk, Matthew Sheppard and many others who did indeed die and bring awareness to the fact that killing a person for being LGBT is a bad thing.

EVERYONE here who tells these people in places of oppression to runaway to the western "Free" nations are denying the future of its chance in those countries to enjoy the freedom that we so enjoy in the "free" western nations. We are not just denying he existing lgbt the right to fight for their right, but we are denying the future unborn LGBT the right to be born in a place where the older LGBT fought for their right to exist.

I have never said anything else BUT exactly this over and over again. Yes people will die, yes its hard, yes its shitty and crappy and the world (humanity is the world, the earth is the planet) is a crappy place that is unfair and does horrors upon other humans.

BUT it is those humans who stand up and fight back that change the horrible into hopefulness, into joy, into a better future.

Right now in the USA the states are toppling one by one and giving in to the "sin" of same gender marriage - not because we all ran and hid, but because we stood up, shouted "give us what we want and we will go away." We wrote tons of letters, protested, rioted, whispered and won one person at a time to our side and are winning the Same Gender Marriage for the whole USA.

Seriously, you are close enough to my age to remember the days when being gay was open season on you as a human being - WE fought to end that open season, WE fought for our freedom and didn't run away. Those older than us went through worse to win a few rights which allowed us to win more rights for ourselves and our "gay children" who are being born right now in a nation where by the time they are 20 years old the notion that LGBT were not allowed to marry would be as quaint as the days people sent frickin telegrams to one another instead of texted messaged instantly.

Jordan, Africa, Middle East - all of these places where hate abounds CANNOT be saved by America riding in to save the day - that NEVER works. It has to be the people of those places who have to stand up, stand their ground and yes risk being ran down by tanks, shot, beheaded - whatever the risks are and win their own freedom.

Our telling people "oh just move to a place that tolerates you" is our giving our stamp of approval on allowing places like the Jordanian Government to kill, murder, criminalize homosexuals. We do not just condemn the LGBT who are there today, but we are condemning the LGBT of tomorrow, our "sons and daughters".

And no, there is no better place. Sorry - everywhere sucks, maybe not in the same way it sucks in place A, but Place B sucks just as much.

Oh and I am and expert and running to new places - So yeah I know how well that one ends.

The Jordanian Constitution states: "Islam is the religion of the Jordanian State"... And,,, the provisions of the Jordanian civil law are in line with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia law.

If the United States had enshrined Christianity in our Constitution, do you think we would have the right to marry or be able to have sex legally in 2015?

Jordan will remain unfriendly towards it's LGBT community until it finds a way to get Islam out of it's Constitution and Civil Law ---- Which in my opinion, would be very difficult to do.

Fighting for Equality in a country with laws based on the Islamic religion, is much different than fighting for Equality in a country where the laws are based upon "English Common Law" without reference or preference toward any religion. In the United States, we are winning Equality thru our legal system, which doesn't have a supreme deity (God) with which we would have to prove wrong.

If you are LGBT,,, and live in a country who's religion is enshrined in the Constitution and your Civil laws are based upon that religion,,, then move to a more gay friendly country if you can.

We Have Elvis !!

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Modesto, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Portland - there is a long list of cities I have lived in and I see the exact same "hate the other" activities. These places were a hell of a lot worse in the 1980's than they are in 2015 simply because we in the LGBT community stood our ground. Yes we were beaten, imprisoned, murdered, hung on fences to die - but through those many atrocities we won a voice, a much needed voice that has lead to an era of tolerance and Same Gendered Marriage spreading from state to state like wild fire.

One thing that the USA does which annoys the hell out of me is it tries to "liberate" and "give" democracy to other nations. This typically leads to the bombing of innocent people in the way of "freeing" them from their tyrants, and I have yet to see one nation which hasn't actually gotten worse from the interference from the USA in its affairs.

The USA wasn't handed Democracy, it pried it out of the cold dead fingers of the British it killed in battle. The French didn't get democracy from some other nation, instead they devised a simple machine to remove the heads of their tyrants and send a clear message that keeps the french government afraid of it's people.

Every nation where someone else came in and "gave" them liberty and democracy have rapidly reverted back to dictatorships - or worse. WE did that, WE made it worse in our self righteous, self appointed mission to "save the world". IF a people want their own freedoms they have to stand their ground, say "I won't" then fight back. Yes their are martyrs - many of them, but each one that is murdered fortifies others to stand up and say "I won't"

The other thing that annoys me is all of these people who want to run away from places because they are hated, killed, whatever instead of standing their ground and chiseling a line in the rock saying "I will NOT be moved."

Using the USA as an example of history and the mindset of running to a "better place".

1. Blacks should have ran back off to Africa instead of standing their ground and demanding equality. I'm quite certain equality in the USA would have solved itself if all the blacks just up and ran away in the 1960's instead of having a strong leader like MLKJ stand up and say "I shall not be moved!" No it's not perfect, but I assure you had the blacks fled the USA would be a far, far less black tolerant place than it is.

2. Stonewall Riots: Shouldn't have happened, the cross dressers should have just be lead away in hand cuffs meekly and then ran away to someplace - IDK some uninhabited island in the middle of no where instead of standing up and saying "I will not be forced to be like you."

Had it taken place the LGBT movement wouldn't have happen. Instead of chatting nicely here on an open gay forum we would be toe-tapping and trying to figure out the newest way to signal other gays praying we won't be caught, arrested, made into sex offenders - whatever,

3. Women's liberation, big mistake, woman should have just packed their bags and left for greener pastures instead of fighting for the right to vote, fighting for equality.

Imagine the perfection of the USA if every minority just up and ran away from their problems.

In the 2000's we have seen a lot of huge steps taken forward for the LGBT community in the USA - its not because we all ran away to a 'better place' and hid and allowed ourselves to wallow in self pity. It's because we marched, because we rose up and opposed our enemies, because of Harvey Milk, Matthew Sheppard and many others who did indeed die and bring awareness to the fact that killing a person for being LGBT is a bad thing.

EVERYONE here who tells these people in places of oppression to runaway to the western "Free" nations are denying the future of its chance in those countries to enjoy the freedom that we so enjoy in the "free" western nations. We are not just denying he existing lgbt the right to fight for their right, but we are denying the future unborn LGBT the right to be born in a place where the older LGBT fought for their right to exist.

I have never said anything else BUT exactly this over and over again. Yes people will die, yes its hard, yes its shitty and crappy and the world (humanity is the world, the earth is the planet) is a crappy place that is unfair and does horrors upon other humans.

BUT it is those humans who stand up and fight back that change the horrible into hopefulness, into joy, into a better future.

Right now in the USA the states are toppling one by one and giving in to the "sin" of same gender marriage - not because we all ran and hid, but because we stood up, shouted "give us what we want and we will go away." We wrote tons of letters, protested, rioted, whispered and won one person at a time to our side and are winning the Same Gender Marriage for the whole USA.

Seriously, you are close enough to my age to remember the days when being gay was open season on you as a human being - WE fought to end that open season, WE fought for our freedom and didn't run away. Those older than us went through worse to win a few rights which allowed us to win more rights for ourselves and our "gay children" who are being born right now in a nation where by the time they are 20 years old the notion that LGBT were not allowed to marry would be as quaint as the days people sent frickin telegrams to one another instead of texted messaged instantly.

Jordan, Africa, Middle East - all of these places where hate abounds CANNOT be saved by America riding in to save the day - that NEVER works. It has to be the people of those places who have to stand up, stand their ground and yes risk being ran down by tanks, shot, beheaded - whatever the risks are and win their own freedom.

Our telling people "oh just move to a place that tolerates you" is our giving our stamp of approval on allowing places like the Jordanian Government to kill, murder, criminalize homosexuals. We do not just condemn the LGBT who are there today, but we are condemning the LGBT of tomorrow, our "sons and daughters".

And no, there is no better place. Sorry - everywhere sucks, maybe not in the same way it sucks in place A, but Place B sucks just as much.

Oh and I am and expert and running to new places - So yeah I know how well that one ends.

I understand your point, but I think I'll pass.

I won't be another buried big dreamer martyr boy, simply because you have no idea what living with terrorists in the same street looks like.

Me and [MENTION=21000]verysimple[/MENTION] aren't leaving just because we're LGBT and persecuted. We're leaving because of the horrors between the walls who keep reminding us of our past, the walls we're forced to live between, with the very same people who tortured us and have no problem doing the same bloody stuff again. We're leaving because our goddamned countries have no respect for hardworking students, young talented people, nor even have respect for children. We're leaving because we can't find any place nearby to live independently and work hard to build our own life. Finally, we're leaving for the hope that one day we can find true love.

Know that from the day a soul in a gay body is born in the dark Middle East, it is already cursed. It will cost every one of us two decades or more to get rid of that curse for good. But you know what? The prize of freedom is much more valuable, and so is life in truth, instead of sacrificing one's soul for no reason, unseen consequence.

Believe me, I've known about 100 gay guys who are eager to stay here in Lebanon and stand up for their rights, even if their objective is an impossible one to achieve. Just saying...

I'm sorry, but being the heroes you're expecting us to be doesn't suit me. I have one life to live, and I can't sacrifice it all for an eventual illusion.

And if "life sucks everywhere", I'd rather be somewhere else than here.

jimcrackcorn Wrote:The Jordanian Constitution states: "Islam is the religion of the Jordanian State"... And,,, the provisions of the Jordanian civil law are in line with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia law.

If the United States had enshrined Christianity in our Constitution, do you think we would have the right to marry or be able to have sex legally in 2015?

Jordan will remain unfriendly towards it's LGBT community until it finds a way to get Islam out of it's Constitution and Civil Law ---- Which in my opinion, would be very difficult to do.

Fighting for Equality in a country with laws based on the Islamic religion, is much different than fighting for Equality in a country where the laws are based upon "English Common Law" without reference or preference toward any religion. In the United States, we are winning Equality thru our legal system, which doesn't have a supreme deity (God) with which we would have to prove wrong.

If you are LGBT,,, and live in a country who's religion is enshrined in the Constitution and your Civil laws are based upon that religion,,, then move to a more gay friendly country if you can.


Very well said.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Hmm. There are at least a half dozen names I can throw out of gay guys who were murdered in the street for being gay by a group of thugs in Good Ole USA 1989-2994.

I can also distinctly recall having the police flat ass refuse to arrest my 2nd partner after he beat be hard enough to land me in hospital with broken bones, contusions and internal bleeding - their reasoning? "Its just to faggots - who cares?"

See not too long ago the USA, the UK, Canada and many other places were where Jordan is right now. Things did NOT get better because all of us LGBT got up and ran to someplace more tolerant, it got better because we banned together and fought back. Literally and politically.

Gays in the USA just got their right to serve in the military openly just a couple years ago - prior to that we had "Don't Ask, Don't tell" and prior to that you HAD to tell or face federal and military criminal charges.

Sodomy laws in the USA didn't get over turned across the nation until 2003 - up to that point in many states being a homosexual having sex was a felony - a sex crime, a sex offense that could land you up on the sex offender list.

You think shit is bad in Jordan - yeah it is - but its not really "better" everywhere else - sure Canada has freedom for gays to marry, there are still plenty who would kill a gay with less remorse than shooting a moose.

I'm sorry if reality depresses you - life is depressing, life sucks.

I'm currently in a homeless medical rest facility, all the guys here are homeless and are so sick they need to be in a shelter where they are getting minimal medical care.

The guy across the aisle from me is 22 years old, He lisps due to a speech impediment. He is currently healing from having his hip screwed back together because 6-8 "straight" thugs THOUGHT he was gay because of his lisp and decided to beat him with a stick.

The kid ain't gay - but was assumed gay and a gang of thugs taught him 'God's love' and "tolerance" for being gay - even though the kid is no more gay than the moon.

Life isn't easier no where. Sorry it just doesn't work that way. No matter where you go there is an "Us" and a "Them" and Us and Them are always at each others throat.

And thanks for the infraction - my post not making sense TO YOU is because you are young, idealistic and have this silly notion that life is fair somewhere and that life outside of Jordon is magically better.

It's not.

Don't get me wrong, I do feel for you and I'm sorry life is sucking for you in this particular way - but life sucks for everyone in one way or another.

What makes life better is that we learn to live with how life sucks for us, learn coping skills, and learn a little fucking empathy to make life a wee bit easier for others.

I'll tell you this much, infraction me for helping you with some solid, hard one experience didn't make my life easier, didn't make my life any happier - it just help to make me just a little bit more jaded and a whole hella lot more hateful of your generation.

Remember that the next time your arse gets beaten down or an older person ignores you and your 20-something issues - because, no doubt another 20 something did something incredibly stupid and selfish to cause that person to wash their hands of your generation.

BTW have a nice day.

Have fun wasting your time typing this pointless bullshit above cuz I ain't reading it.. again, who the hell are you to judge ??? Exactly, You're no one. So shut the hell up!!

Beaux Wrote:I don't know what's up with you lately that has left you feeling this way, but this young man is living in a society where the people in a position of moral authority encourage the murder of LGBT persons. Telling him that "things are the same everywhere" is not only a marked disservice, it is also rather insulting.
I have never known you to be purposefully cruel. I will choose to believe, for the nonce, that something in his O.P. touched a nerve in you, and (as a result) you are projecting your own disillusionment with life on to him.
Based solely on what you have shared with us about your own situation over these past couple of years, I think that perhaps you should have picked up and moved away from your own problems, but you were too afraid to do so and wasted your chance...?
Idk, but what I DO know is this: This young man was unfortunate enough to be born in one of the most FATAL areas in the world for LGBT people. We should ALL be encourging him to flee for his life and doing anything we can to help him and others like him, and if you really are so jaded and bitter that you cannot step aside from your own misery long enough to say something positive and helpful....well, at least have the decency to keep it to your self.

Thank you so much! I honestly don't know why he's behaving this way.. But I guess it is only genetics with some people... They just feast on negativity and only want more.. I am not insulted, I just pity him and others like him

jimcrackcorn Wrote:The Jordanian Constitution states: "Islam is the religion of the Jordanian State"... And,,, the provisions of the Jordanian civil law are in line with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia law.

If the United States had enshrined Christianity in our Constitution, do you think we would have the right to marry or be able to have sex legally in 2015?

Jordan will remain unfriendly towards it's LGBT community until it finds a way to get Islam out of it's Constitution and Civil Law ---- Which in my opinion, would be very difficult to do.

Fighting for Equality in a country with laws based on the Islamic religion, is much different than fighting for Equality in a country where the laws are based upon "English Common Law" without reference or preference toward any religion. In the United States, we are winning Equality thru our legal system, which doesn't have a supreme deity (God) with which we would have to prove wrong.

If you are LGBT,,, and live in a country who's religion is enshrined in the Constitution and your Civil laws are based upon that religion,,, then move to a more gay friendly country if you can.


Jordan is hopeless. It's too late to change this slum honestly.. The only way is to get out of here to a more tolerant LGBT country it just rlly bothers me when people tell me that it won't get better for me out there, as if they have any idea what it's like here anyway

BlueStar Wrote:I understand your point, but I think I'll pass.

I won't be another buried big dreamer martyr boy, simply because you have no idea what living with terrorists in the same street looks like.

Me and [MENTION=21000]verysimple[/MENTION] aren't leaving just because we're LGBT and persecuted. We're leaving because of the horrors between the walls who keep reminding us of our past, the walls we're forced to live between, with the very same people who tortured us and have no problem doing the same bloody stuff again. We're leaving because our goddamned countries have no respect for hardworking students, young talented people, nor even have respect for children. We're leaving because we can't find any place nearby to live independently and work hard to build our own life. Finally, we're leaving for the hope that one day we can find true love.

Know that from the day a soul in a gay body is born in the dark Middle East, it is already cursed. It will cost every one of us two decades or more to get rid of that curse for good. But you know what? The prize of freedom is much more valuable, and so is life in truth, instead of sacrificing one's soul for no reason, unseen consequence.

Believe me, I've known about 100 gay guys who are eager to stay here in Lebanon and stand up for their rights, even if their objective is an impossible one to achieve. Just saying...

I'm sorry, but being the heroes you're expecting us to be doesn't suit me. I have one life to live, and I can't sacrifice it all for an eventual illusion.

And if "life sucks everywhere", I'd rather be somewhere else than here.

Very well said.

I agree with you [MENTION=21111]BlueStar[/MENTION] but you shouldn't keep typing, trying to convince him.. He just won't get it! I hate that he wouldn't even try to comprehend what it is like in here, it isn't just being gay, it is also being talented, independent, have knowledge and be the best you can be and this place doesn't allow that to you! Now, I won't waste my time talking to him cuz I already gave him a fraction and told him to shut up and that's what he gets for being foolishly ignorant about the subject!

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