08-12-2015, 11:11 PM
Cobalt Wrote:Okay, I'm going to level with you here. I'm extremely sensitive, insecure, paranoid, and have been bullied before. I've been pretty much a life-long loner and I easily get insulted and take it personally. I encourage you to just call a spade a spade. This was just a minor misunderstanding. Maybe Virge came on a little too strong for someone with your (and for the hell of it I'll just say "mine" too so you don't feel alone here) personality/sensibilities. That doesn't mean you should set the whole house on fire though and burn it all to the ground before you even started living in it. From what I've seen here (as mostly a lurker) this is a nice community. You would be doing yourself a disservice by leaving. Stick it out, your first post was pretty full of life and I actually enjoyed it. You seem like you've got something to offer here and something to gain. Don't quit before you've even started playing.
Why I "wasted" time on someone who is probably going to leave anyway doesn't matter to me. I'm reaching out to you because I want to and feel like this is just a big silly mistake that went a little too far. Please, just calm down a little bit and think about your decision a little more.
I'll shut my mouth and get over it. Virge is probably really cool--- I just don't understand his sense of humor. Yet.
And you're a button.