08-16-2015, 09:25 PM
i started speaking to this guy on grindr last september on and off but over the last 6 months its been constant and got pretty serious to the point where we are both no longer on grindr like a proper relationship and not doing or seeing anyone else. however over these 6 months we still havent actually met face to face, i feel like i love him and he knows that and he feels the same. but whenever it comes down to meeting him something always comes up on his end, at first it was okay because it was family issues which i wont get into but its been ages now and im fed up with this relationship with my phone. i mean i love him, is it too much to just get a real cuddle from him?! he says he really needs to meet me too but again its always on his part that we dont. i know he isnt catfishing me as we have snapchatted. but i just dont know what to do anymore i dont really want to lose him and i keep telling him that i need to see him! but how do i know when to just give up :/ i keep setting myself deadlines but breaking them when he says he will definitely see me but he just hasnt, and today im just finding myself not knowing what to do :/ why cant he just see me