Thanks everybody for all of your input.
Emiliano: Thanks for giving me your personal take on how to feel. It's interesting to see what this problem looks like from the other side of the fence. To answer your questions:
But it caught my attention how you phrased it as an "overly self conscious desire"... I mean you say its nothing embarrassing or nothing weird, so whats your hang up?
Honestly I wish I knew! I'm not really too sure what the reason is exactly but I do have some ideas...
Is it important to you to keep like an element of mystery, or detachment? Are you worried about putting it all out like that?
And I think these are some of them. Having a sense of mystery is probably one of the reasons, and holding on to some sense of independence/keeping some things to myself seems important. But I don't really
want to keep everything to myself so I find I battle myself with letting information out. Perhaps the fear of judgment is what keeps me from putting everything out there.
Is there a part of you that wants him to find out on his own rather than you having to tell?
Not really, if anything I try to "hide" things. It's silly because like I said, I'm not doing anything wrong or bad. It's like I almost go out of my way for him to
not find out on his own.
And also, in what ways (if any) do you think your partner not knowing your interests is having an effect on your relationship?
I don't think it's having an overly negative effect on our relationship but I do think it hinders things. It certainly hampers a deeper understanding and misses a lot of little connections we could be having.
Do you in anyway resent that he doesn't know? Or do you resent that you feel unable to share?
I don't really resent him for not knowing, specifically: I'm not mad at him. I am upset with myself though, yes. I think, what's the point of hiding things that are minor in the first place? He's seen me naked, why bother being embarrassed about anything else?
Tigerlover: You've definitely struck a good chord with me, I love list making. Something like what you suggested seems like a really good idea for me. I think I will start with that and then think of how I want him to expose him to each one.
Jim: (I have so many Jim's in my life, both my father and my brother carry that name!) I do agree that after 2 years I should be more willing to let him in on certain things. I guess because I always kept to myself for so long it almost seems "wrong" to open my world up for someone else. Perhaps it's not even a fear of being ridiculed or looked down upon but rather, just being so not used to the prospect or action of opening up fully and completely about myself is the scary thing. I do agree that certain things probably should be kept to myself. If I told him everything about me, we would both break up from the boredom and monotony of the conversation. Other things are just embarrassing moments of my life that I really don't wish to revisit anyway. So I do agree that certain things are better kept to myself.
Anocxu: You know, I didn't realize I actually ended up doing that. Good eye!
I do agree that hobbies and the like do form the whole person. I like learning about my partner's hobbies so I can imagine he feels a little robbed that he hardly gets to have a similar experience with me. I think you using the word "guarded" hit the nail right on the head. That's definitely what I would use to describe me.

at that gif. This would almost certainly be me if I tried to do that...
Shifty: Interesting to know the situation is reversed for me. In most cases, the way you feel is probably how the majority is. I don't know why I'm reversed. To me it seems like the big things are easier to talk about because there's so much to say. With the minor things, it's hard to defend my views because they are much smaller. I can only say "I like what I like" and there isn't much more to elaborate on.
Azulai: I don't think I can respond to much of your post because I feel exactly the same way and agree with all of it. The only thing I can add is that you definitely have a point, I shouldn't view my partner as "everyone else", I should feel comfortable telling him anything without a fear of being judged or mocked.
Again, thanks everyone for your input!