Well..I wrote this on another gay board last week....
Yes...I believe in God. Why? I can feel God....
I don't know what she/he/it looks like...I dont' care. I used to get a lot of comfort and strength from God when I was a kid and I felt God helped me protect myself from my parents...
No one ever told me to believe in God...and certainly most Christians have been the WORST advertisement for God..same with most Muslims....I have no idea who they are talking about because the God I believe in is QUITE DIFFERENT...a lot kinder..a lot cooler...a lot nicer....a lot more comforting...a lot wiser...
None of this sin bullshit or stupid fucking rules or fairy tales or fear to keep me living a soulless life....
My beliefs are closest to Pagan, Wiccan, Taoism, Buddhist.....
I resent some Christians who get in my face trying to define God...or define me. I think they are a dark force on earth...and very young souls....
I have seen a lot of cool old soul Christians who are usually liberal...respect Jesus and practice the things he taught..and have none of the lower natured bullshit of the loud obnoxious ones. I usually find their interpretation of God close to my own...the vibe is the same...
...and to add to that..."My" God wants me to be who I am...period. I am gay...it is exactly who/what I am supposed to be. The only problem would be me rejecting who I am and not being true to myself...then "my God" would have a problem. The end.
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I'd imagine that within the next 200 years,,, most of Christianity will be accepting of gays, bisexuals, and lesbians. They will have to do a few revisions to the Bible in order to bring it in line via new interpretations, but it will happen eventually.
I may not believe in any religion,,, but there are lots of religious people whom I like. So,,, I won't blaspheme today (smile)....
Satan's Neighbor,
Thing is. Everything is an Illusion anyway. And every possibility has equal chance of being true and untrue. Quantum mechanics says that everything is in a state of flux between 1 and 0 and the act of observation "forces" (or at least in our unique, individual perceptions, "forces") the selection of one state over all others.
So in truth, nothing is one or the other. We are all just going through our own perceptions. None of anything really matters.
So, far from not being allowed to pick and choose your way through life, in fact that is how we should be living. Provided we are harming no one and nothing. And in fact, living through our own perceptions is the only way we can live, if quantum mechanics is true. Which scientists are finding that it is.
Going with what we feel and resonate with is right and true. Rather than seek to be lead or to lead. People can and do lie. Life will challenge us to decide things for ourselves. Take responsibility and ownership.
That's how counselling therapy works. Training people to be autonomous. It's healthy.
anocxu Wrote:![[Image: 388509a05bcb05342a34a896950ceefb.jpg]](http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/10/27/388509a05bcb05342a34a896950ceefb.jpg)
Luckily, I've never been religious, although my parents tried to force that upon me. For me, all religions are equally disgusting, making people refuse of everything that's important for them for some kind of "god" is the only thing religion does. I don't believe in heaven or hell or any of that stuff.
I'm gay and I'm proud of myself and no religion will ever make me refuse of who I am. And if I'm going to hell for that, well, like I have said before - I hope Devil is a hot guy.
You're lucky not to have ever had Romans 1 thrown at you.
Maybe later I'll share what I told an uncle in regards to Freya (Scandinavian goddess) and Jesus the last time Romans 1 was thrown at me (by his wife). One needs context to fully understand it. But even I cringe about sharing about how Jerry Springer my family can get at times...
But interesting experience...a vision of the goddess Freya saved my life. I found out later that about the same time my grandmother was praying to Jesus for my sake...
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jimcrackcorn Wrote:I'd imagine that within the next 200 years,,, most of Christianity will be accepting of gays, bisexuals, and lesbians. They will have to do a few revisions to the Bible in order to bring it in line via new interpretations, but it will happen eventually.
I may not believe in any religion,,, but there are lots of religious people whom I like. So,,, I won't blaspheme today (smile)....
Satan's Neighbor,
I wanted to add my two cents on this. I think the "religious scholars" or whoever makes these translations has their own agenda. They say that the words translated from the original language has two meanings and the context they're used in decides which is used but it doesn't make sense to me. Like Sodom meaning anal sex or rape so they decided that it means anal sex and everyone forgets that the men at lot's door was at the head of a crowd of people full of men, women and children.
Then there's the verse that uses a word meaning soft clothes and only soft is taken from the translation which is changed to effeminate and to cover their asses so it's not changed to women they changed it to homosexual. Now the verse reads you cannot be homosexual to reach the gates of heaven.
To top it all off the word eunuch is completely taken from the new bibles. I still try to at least believe in God sense I was raised in the church but now my skin starts to crawl whenever I hear someone talking about the Bible. Ugh... this thread has my blood boiling, time for some ultra violent video games
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1and1 Wrote:Bizarre. With all the natural mystery and beauty in the real world and the universe. With all that science discovers and offers us. Even with all that, people are still fixated on religion for the answers to life as if it's any more real than any other fictional story.
Somewhere out there there's a man who's child has just died. The one consoling thought he has is that he will see her again in the afterlife. It's that one thought that will motivate him to work through the grief and live the best life he can. His faith gives his life meaning.
Science can't help someone deal with their grief, rationality can't provide a sense of community and fellowship. Religion has nothing to do with the pursuit of truth anymore it's just the soothing of pain with lies. But some people need that painkiller just to get out of bed in the morning.
Just be glad we that we can embrace the world as it is.
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ceez Wrote:I wanted to add my two cents on this. I think the "religious scholars" or whoever makes these translations has their own agenda. They say that the words translated from the original language has two meanings and the context they're used in decides which is used but it doesn't make sense to me. Like Sodom meaning anal sex or rape so they decided that it means anal sex and everyone forgets that the men at lot's door was at the head of a crowd of people full of men, women and children.
Then there's the verse that uses a word meaning soft clothes and only soft is taken from the translation which is changed to effeminate and to cover their asses so it's not changed to women they changed it to homosexual. Now the verse reads you cannot be homosexual to reach the gates of heaven.
To top it all off the word eunuch is completely taken from the new bibles. I still try to at least believe in God sense I was raised in the church but now my skin starts to crawl whenever I hear someone talking about the Bible. Ugh... this thread has my blood boiling, time for some ultra violent video games 
I understand & empathize with you completely.
In the last 40 years they have made many revisions that have put LGBT people in an even more evil position than when the King James version was introduced....
Right now,, there are many Christian groups who are trying to turn the tide of Christianity toward a more amicable approach toward LGBT people. Many of the hardliners are calling this the "Pro-Gay Revisionist Theology" and the hardliners are fighting against it, of course.
I am happy to see several Christian denominations who have already eased their stance on LGBT folks,,, and many who are even welcoming & affirming toward people in our community. In my hopeful opinion, it will only get better as time goes by.
As for me,,, I would only see the Church as a place to meet socially & make friends with other people (provided it's a gay friendly Church). I'm not religious and don't believe in a higher power or deity,,, but I have no problem with what others believe so long as they accept me for who & what I am.
Follower of the Spaghetti Monster,
Did you know that King David had an erection because of Jonathan? the son of King Saul? In Hebrew, the word "higdil" can be a euphemism for an erection. When king David saw Jonathan, he had a higdil. ^^