Well, man. I'd say that no... we -don't- get a choice in our sexual orientation. Only a choice in what we -do- with it.
So yeah, you sound bi. Nothing wrong with that as long as you're living honestly. Just remember BI doesn't mean you get to fuck around if you're in a committed relationship just cuz you're attracted to both genders. Committed is committed, monogamy is monogamy. If you're not up for committing to that, and sticking to it honestly, then don't do it.
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I thought about this alot before I became comfortable with my sexuality. So I present the TigerLover guide to Bisexuality.
So right now you know you're bisexual but you don't know 'how bisexual' you are. Your sexual appetite is like a metronome going from men to women to men to women. It's never just both at the same time. Thats what makes it confusing it's like you're morphing from gay to straight and back again.
However in reality your sexuality is already hard-coded into your DNA. It's decided and nothing and no one will ever be able to change it. So don't freak out that you're getting gayer or straightening out. Because nothing is actually changing.
BUT you can be consistently more romantically attracted to one gender. ( in my case men.)
So what is happening then?
Well i'm glad you asked. The metronome effect* is caused by exposure. If you spend all day browsing gay porn then when nighttime rolls around you're going to specifically want a man in your bed. But if a sexy female offers herself to you, you're still going to want her as much as any hot blooded, 100% straight man.Your dick lives entirety in the moment and it's interested in attractive members of whatever gender it's exposed to, be it in flesh or fiction form.
Remember that Mother nature has given us a very special gift. I hope you learn to appreciate this wonderful gift. Just stop worrying, accept yourself for who you are and enjoy.
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10-27-2015, 01:16 AM
(Edited 10-27-2015, 01:44 AM by Chase.)
Too late, you've already been infected with the homo virus.
The moment you touched your first dick, you started a chain reaction that can never be stopped.
Does it matter though? I see this in debates all the time where the pro-gay side says being lgbt is okay because we're born that way, then the anti-gay side say it's not okay because they think we had to choose it. Morally, it doesn't really matter because as long as your sexuality isn't harming anyone, it doesn't make a difference if it was chosen or innate.
You're smart enough to know it's perfectly okay, so whether you chose it or not shouldn't be a question that bothers you.
It can be one of those questions you think about when you have the appetite for intellectual stimulation, but in normal day-to-day life, it doesn't really matter.
As for labels, I don't see how it matters that much.
A friend said to me today, once pandora's box has been opened...it's impossible to lock again. You can maybe close it for a while, but it's no longer locked. And it's really,really easy to open. Particularly in regards to m/m sex. (so I've gathered).
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u like both. why compartmentalize it into labels. like twist said, monogamy is monogamy. whoever you have feelings for don't matter to any of us.
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trywait Wrote:u like both. why compartmentalize it into labels.
because attraction to both automatically means the guy is bisexual by default. all the rest is just word games and delusions one may bestow upon himself.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
You can certainly go back to being "straight" but if you are turned on by men and enjoy gay sex, why would you want to?
Be yourself and don't be ashamed of what you enjoy.