sweetlad86 Wrote:hmmmmm some people are not going to like this at all lmao!

Good luck with it though lol!
You said it sweetlad!

Frankly i am so bored of this , if it was a regular member of the forum yeah ok i ll think twice about helping given that i could. But people signing in and giving me a questionnaire ect of the like oh no no no...thanks!
I dont like how homosexuality is such a big subject for research in the year 2009.
fiona Wrote:lol you guys must be sick of us you should charge us for even asking you could all have a huge christmas party
Now you witness it yourself and maybe you see what it feels like. We should have a few thousands more in our bank account if there was a charge for all the questionnaires in the 2 years GS is online!
And again if someone has a research yeah internet is a great resource and blah blah blah and yeah try it out but to me with a background where i make a lot of research, asking people in the internet is lazy. The excuse that it wont feel like you targeting people is just that: an excuse ... it feels to them you are targeting them but perhaps it doesnt feel to you. The way i see it when one makes research should be prepared for a deep dive.
However to get back to the topic good luck to the initial poster for his research and a good place to start is LGBT organisations and libraries where they hold publications and research of homophobic incidents. Then make some phone calls arrange meetings. there are videos in homophobia and gay rights in youtube. Have a look there and try to contact these people there often parents of a gay person. As for finding someone to interview it can be difficult. Put it this way: how much would you like to be interviewed for a class presentation by a stranger that you know very little about share things about your life including being a victim of a homophobic which probably you dont want to revive unless it is something minor and got over it already?
Also note that homophobia can be in the workplace looking like bulling, can be found in relationships with people and look like alienation ect. Doesnt always include physical violence and is likely to go unreported and yet is not less important to the person subjected. Doesnt take their life away but effects them in every day life. This might is something you could include in your research.
Hope it helped .