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depression... damn it
I seem to be randomly depressed at the moment. I have a few friendship problems going on at the moment and it is really distracting me and I have been getting so depressed recently. I am usually quite a happy person but recently after I came out of the closet I have felt a bit shit to be honest.
There is this guy in our friendship group and he is really nice to everyone but me and I don't know why. It just seems to really get me down. I do get very down after the slightest of relationship problems. Because I have always been a lonely person really.

I have been really agitated, easily annoyed, randomly angry, randomly depressed. It has been going on for about 2 - 3 weeks now. I don't know weather it is something to worry about or not...? should I speak to a doctor maybe?

The following is purely Fred's personal opinion.

We all feel like that from time to time its one of the disadvantages of being human. No usually for quite so long, but 2-3 weeks isn't abnormal. In addition you are 16 feeling low unfortunately goes with the turf. Life does get better as you age, trust me.

In the mean time you have my sympathies. You just came out of the closet (many years younger than I did), of course its going to be tough, its natural not the be in the highest of spirits. If this lad wants to be mean to you then that's his problem, don't let him spoil your friendships and beyond that just try to ignore him.

P.S. Chin Up!

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Depression at 16 is a normal way of life at times and it is common. However: if you are contemplating hurting your self or others pleas seek out a Dr. for help.
Coming out of the closet can be a trying and depressing time in our lives usually not lasting to long. You are the smart one never allow anybody to take your happiness. They just are not worth your time.
Think you need a big hug and a friend to confide in.
We here at GS can be your shoulder to lean on and we will listen to what you have to say. Luck Sweet Lad.

Hey DJS,
Dont get down babes life is a massive rollercoaster and when i was your age 8 years ago babes i got big time down. What alot of it could be as i am now older and more alert is it could be to do with the fact that your hormones are just sort of all over the show at moment.. Your still in ya young ears and ya may hate hearing this from someone like me whos mid 20's as i did when i was 16 but its not ment like that.. Try to enjoy everyday that comes babes. I grew up kinda lonley in this world and it is a fustrating time for people in that boat..
Have you thought about maybe trying various gay youth groups around brighton?? I know there is one or was one on Marlborough place/old steine in Brighton and i never attended it because i was kinda in denial at 16 and sort of in indenial until 20 but at 20 it turns around.. As you get older you do meet people in life who you may take with you let you may let them go.. With depression babes it is a horrible thing but your adapt in your own time hunni.. Once ya hit 18 babes then do what i did and grab yourself by the balls and go out to a club or pub and start learning about life within brighton.. Now with me my confidence was massively down i used to panic that people were watching me but its not too bad.. If you need a few starter pubs in town which are pretty friendly then let me know.. Ill still be on gayspeak and still be hovering around for many moons to come and anytime ya need someone to talk to whos local or wanna vent some fustration or anything feel free to message me..

Just to show u where im coming from and know about depression in teenage years babes go to www.studentcenter.org and look for a journal named zexer Your find my experiences of 18 months worth there =) including how i battled with depression and at times do get down in dumps even now...

As long as you got us guys here babes we will help ya when ya need it

Big massive hugs and a kiss

zeon x

hi djs, hopefully during the downtime of GS you found some help.

I think anytime that one asks if they should see a doctor then YOU should see a doctor... but if they push meds right off, instead of something like a therapist or some other form of help... then maybe seek a second opinion.

Big Hugs and try not to let things get so serious (yeah, I know, easier said than done :tongue: )

Truly 16 is a very good age in which to indulge in adolescent depression. I used my low times to write a lot of poetry and a lot of songs. I found trying to find a voice a very good therapy. I came across this body of work a few years ago and almost without exception, each song is really, really terrible :eek: Still, I didn't write them for anyone else than me.

Would it help to be aware of a couple of things?
a) You sound perfectly normal, and
b) We like, these days, to pathologise normal experiences.

There is a point c), but that would be after you (and perhaps more crucially, those around you) have decided there may be something else going on.

Hope you feel more chipper soon

marshlander Wrote:Would it help to be aware of a couple of things?
a) You sound perfectly normal, and
b) We like, these days, to pathologise normal experiences.

Couldn't agree more.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Its the sick way that the government treats us, take away all the activities for kids, oh oh wait theirs PE at school (if you didn't realize I was sticking a middle finger up at the screen their aimed towards PE).

Com'on brown pull your finger out and give kids a better chance of avoiding the dreded anti depressant pills because soon enough it will be pumped by the gallon into our drinking water.

CardShark Wrote:Its the sick way that the government treats us, take away all the activities for kids, oh oh wait theirs PE at school (if you didn't realize I was sticking a middle finger up at the screen their aimed towards PE).

Com'on brown pull your finger out and give kids a better chance of avoiding the dreded anti depressant pills because soon enough it will be pumped by the gallon into our drinking water.
OMG, don't get me started on PE teachers (viscious, homophobic, sadistic, cretinous bunch that they are ... not that I like to generalise, you understand) :mad:

marshlander Wrote:OMG, don't get me started on PE teachers (viscious, homophobic, sadistic, cretinous bunch that they are ... not that I like to generalise, you understand) :mad:

They must be like those in the U.S. their neck size matches there IQ.

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