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Getting back with an Ex? Am i being used? What should i do?
To start off, let me just clarify the duration and major cost of this breakup first.

The relationship of me and my ex began in September 2015 and finally he dumped me as soon as he found out I'd cheated him with other guys (1 was non-sex, 1 i had sex with) (he found out on roughly the beginning of September 2016) I know, why would i still think he would take me back as I've been unfaithful, lying and cheating, but please let me finished all the story.

So, I was in UK during 27 August 2015 - 28 Oct 2016 to study a master degree. a week since i came to UK, I've start using gay dating app to getting to know new people, in which this is how I've found the first love of my life (Yes, this is my 1st relationship). He was 25, a Brum guy, and I was 24, an Asian, And we are both doing our Master. After chatting for a few days. I've learn that he already spent 2 years in Thailand from 2013-2014, and he planed to come back again in 2016 for work (in which I would also be there). As we do have a future path to see each other again. We've finally agreed to go on a first date, in which we had dinner and then he got sexual with me but as i never had any experiences and we ending up giving each other BJ instead. And after that, we have been swapping text for a few more days, until we both decided to know each other more.

After a few weeks since our 1st date, he invite me over to his house to stay over the night, and also to introduced me to his mom and dad. So, I was a bit hesitate at first cause it just really quick to be at this stage? we aren't even BF official yet. Anyway, I agreed to go and meet his parent and spend a night there, so far everything is going well. After a couple of months of going back and forth between my place and his house (yes, we spent quite a lot of time with each other during weekdays at my place and weekends at his house). On a night at his house, he finally bring the question of why don't I ask him to be his BF yet? or something along those line. I clearly told him straight away that this is my first relationship with anyone, i'm not sure whether it's a good idea for me to be his BF this quickly, ( i don't know 2 months are long enough, and he already had about 5-6 previous relationships before me, however they don't last more than a year for each one,**this is gonna be one important factor later on**.
So, after several hours of him keep asking and pursuing me to tell him let be officially BF, I really still was heisted to say yes as I don't want to risk fuck up the relationship as i'm very new to this thing, but he later told me, if you don't want to be my BF that's fine, It's also fine if you wanna get back to your place right now, I'll take you back. In which i was like 15 minutes to midnight on Sunday night, so I told him it already very late i don't want to, and we just went silent for a while, then I know he's very sad, upset and almost cry. So i just could hold myself and give him to be his BF. (very dramatic story, sorry)

Okay, i think after that, we were in a Honeymoon Phase for 1-2 months if i remember correctly, before i notice something was wrong. So during honeymoon phase, we did had sex, and oral sex somewhat 2-3 times a weeks. i wish at this point i started to realized we are both vers bottom, but he still tried to told me "I think you are a top".
But i insisted i want to try being both top and bottom as i want to experiences both before deciding, so after a few day of night to together, it's obvious to me and him now that we might not be compatible in this area, I know this bother me somewhat as i'm just first experiences sex with anyone and I would also consider myself as high sexual drive at the time, but he is quite the opposite, as he suggested that, he don't get that horny much of the time now, compare to when he was younger.

However, the other aspect of our relationship is going very well (we regularly went for a movies, dinner dates, cooking at his and my place, other normal bf stuff you can think of), the only timed we would spent time apart is when he's when his friends but i do sometime joined him, but not very often as i have and Asian blush, so don't like drinking that much. we're very intimacy to each other almost everyday (hugging, kissing, cuddling) but after New Year had pass, we start to have less SEX with each other (we still express our affection though other way though). And most of the time 8 out of 10, I'm the one who will initiates to have sex. and He just told me he wasn't in the mood because he's tried from university work, but i'm also the same. The other times he would use the excuses of hemorrhoids problem when i offer to be a top. So, I can literally count the time we actually had anal sex, and that number is less then 10 from the start to the end of the relationship. And I've confront him directly about this, asking him "do you still find me sexually attractive?", and the answer is always "Yes" but I very doubtful.

Now things start to get a bit on the downhill after Feb-March as I'd a final exam coming up. and he busy with his work placement. After March-June, we were planing to do a Europe trip together, after I come back to UK in August, (I'll be going back to Thailand for 1.5 months for my dissertation data collecting). So, during there March-June period, I started to feel like maybe he isn't that in love with me anymore? beside, there's another issue of money that do come between us sometime. As he got a student load, he need to save his money in order to get enough of it in order to rent a house to stay in July when my dorm contract ended, and also saving for trip Europe in August and Thailand in 2016. Most of the time, I was very happy to help him financially whenever i can to help him save money, but little did i know, most of the time he ending up used the money he was suppose save to buy clothes that he want. Now, i started to mention to him that, i already let him stay with me rent free, he only need to pay for the groceries, in which i ending up paying most of the time, cause now in the weekend i asked him to stay at his house so that i can be alone, so that i can do my own stuff.

During 15 May - 9 July, which i was back in Thailand, we skype and chat almost everyday. and I got back on the 10th July to give him a happy birth day and move into his new flat, as my old dorm contract is ending soon. (i also at first want to get my own place as i'm afraid, it not a good thing to spend every waking hours together. But if we still do want to make a Europe trip in this Summer, I just had to agreed moving in with him, and I also help split his rent 50-50, and also same the monthly groceries payment. ( I know me bitching about money might seem a bit over the top here, but I didn't come here to burned all my family money on something at could have been save, and I know this was my own fault to let things slide cause I really do want him to be happy, I never thought he was in this cost of my money at all. ) Well, after a week moving in "our" new flat under his tenancy, he really make it a house for us, and i somehow think thing might be better from now on.

This is when the real shit is about to hit the fan. first, our Europe trips was cancelled cause I can't get my dissertation in time and he can't find part time job to get enough money for the trip. Second, our sex live stop completely now. Third, he become a bit weird asking me, have i meet up with anyone when i was back in Thailand? I was a bit mad at first, but just told him no, which is the truth. These have made us become even more further apart, and as he start going to school to get training and preparation for class room in August, I have got noting to do but stay home at the flat working on my dissertation. And This is when i started to actually talking to other guys. As i already been unhappy with my sex life, and i still wanna broaden that part of my life i decided to see other older guy. The first guy just give me a blowjob and done some kinky stuff which i don't like at all, So hurry back to our place as soon as i can get out of there. The second guy, who was also very old, which i choose him because i know i would never have any feeling for him. (And I know all of these excuse I've made make no different what so ever! I had just cheated the first person i really loved, I've just realised now if only we can communicate with each other about what we really want and the problems we had, or should have just put us on a time-out before things went down this part. We might still be together to this day).

There were also other guys who wanted to get in touch with me after the 2nd guy, but I've now realised that those sex really not i was looking for, if I need to go and do it behind my back with my BF and I don't want to be in an open relationship also. I don't know if i'm being confused, or just want to justify and rationalised this in a way that make me feel less guilty about myself? but I sure do as hell, made a terrible mistake that can't be undone and I honestly hope that my BF wouldn't found out about it. But as we all know, one can't keep it as a secret forever, on the 20th of August he ask me for my phone, which i thought was very weird, but a part of me kinda know what's gonna happen. He was going through my phone and read through all chat i had with the other guy. And when he finished, he just went to bed without saying anything at all, then i follow him and try to get him to burst out to me, but all he did is just laying on his side of the bed, crying. So, i know he knew all of it now, just a matter of time for we to talk about it but i decided to wait until the morning to ask him when he sleep though all these bad emotions first as there's no point for me to hurt him even more at this point.

Next morning of 21st August, I've confronted him and he told me he was very shock of what had happen and the thing i did. And at the moment I've totally come clean about everything, and I mean all of it. He was just emotionally numb at first, but later he just become very cold and distance to me. In which, I didn't expected this at all, i thought he was gonna kicked me out of the flat right away. But he finally told me, he couldn't do that to me, as I've already can't go back to my old dorm. For that moment on, I just don't know what to do but to comply to all his wished. Then he decided to go back to stay at his mom places for a day to sort his feeling out and what to do next. The following day, he came back, and told me that he'll try put this be hide us and try to move on, but he not making any promises. In which, i might have also asked him back the fucking worse thing i could have thought of, "my BF name, is the reason you not that made with me now might have been because you also have been talking with other guy?". And as expected, he really got angry and told me back "only you can think that i'm capable of such a thing, cause you're the one that done it. i can't believed you would say that to me."
and I also reply at the time as i got a bit defensive "but we both know, if our sex life is not in trouble, this wouldn't even happen right?" which i knew it was also another mistake.
He reply "Don't you try making me feel guilty about this, this was your own doing". but somehow, until this day, i still insist in my believed that if we were sexually happy, this would happened at all.

Now, as weeks gone by, we just stay in the same flat, but in between us two, we're boyfriends anymore, just friends? or i don't know what to put it as. He then started working on September as school semester open (he teach primary school level), so i spent the day finishing my dissertation with all the pain in my mind of what had happened. this routine continue for a week or two. Then we start going out to the park, had lunch and dinner, we actually act as noting had happened. But I know feel like he now don't really want to be with me anymore, as he would spent most of his day if not with me as we usually did, but gone out to see his friends, family and colleague. I was totally okay with this as i get it would be best to let him focus on himself at the time. So, when October comes, I've decided I would book a flight back to Thailand as I know I really need to give him and myself space to heal. But as soon as I told him the date i'm leaving, he first a bit at shock again, but during the month, we still do go out together a few times, we didn't had sex on our last night together. we do have a few fight with each other, but noting serious, just nagging about being late and etc. ***But during 14-16 Octorber, he told me he was gonna spent a time at his mom ****(this is also the time period i later found out he has already meet up in person with another guy, who he already was talking to since the 27th of September 2015)****. I just found this out on 16 feb 2016. as my friend who was also friend with the other guy got a pictures of his Instagram account of the picture with date of the online dating app text on 27th of September 2015 and the other guy status on the picture on 27th of September 2015 is Fall in love). I know i might be imaging thing, but as i check the date with my chat log with my Ex. It's all confirmed now that on both day, he was supposed to be out with a friend

On the 28th of October, I leave the flat by myself to the airport alone, as we both are very emotional and i hate to see him cry and him to see my cry. But before I leave, he told me he we will see each other again in Thailand, and he also said that he want both of as to be free and resume thing again when he is back to Thailand. I just agreed as i don't have any right to keep him after what i did. As I've got back to Thailand, during November-December, he would texted and called me every day at first, which i always be there for him. and then his frequency of contacting just slowing fade away. And I didn't every initiate contact with him first. Then in January, he texted and called me one day, to get in touch and see how things have been. He ask me whether I've been seeing anyone, i reply "yes, a couple of guy but noting serious as i don't need to be in a relationship at the moment and how i enjoyed a single life." And i ask him the same in return, he told me he was using grinder app, but wasn't really dating anyone. In which, this makes me feel really angry and hurtful. and I directly asked him, "so are we just friends now?", he reply "yeah, if you see us that way". And he then ended the conversation as he going out to the park with the "other guy" with i later found out to be true again.

****Following post would be my texting conversation since we're separated****

So, let me just conclude the texting after we've separated:

On 10/29/15
02:45:41: Ex: I know you hate it when I'm being soppy. But I really do love you and sorry for not being a better boyfriend. I will miss you every day. Anyway I promise we will meet again in Thailand. Love you my bhunaaaa
02:46:34: Me: ??
03:01:40: Me: This is so unreal babe
03:02:08: Ex: I know it is
03:02:16: Ex: It's going to be fine babe
03:02:34: Ex: It was always going to happen eventually. I'm just sad that I was such an idiot
03:18:50: Ex: Have a safe flight baba. Love ya x
07:31:59: Ex: I just checked. You won't be in Dubai for another three hours. I'm going to bed. Can't stop thinking about you and don't want to go home because you're not there ??????
07:32:07: Ex: Miss you baby X
18:25:45: Me: In Bangkok now

On 02/16/2016
23:46 Me: Hey Ex! I've got a job interview tomorrow, so nervous. Anyway hope everything going well for you.
23:46 Ex: Good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed. You can do it !
23:47 Ex: I'm fine everything is fine. I took my mom to see fortune teller for her birthday
23:47 Ex: It was so shit haha
23:49 Me: Oh, when was your mom birthday?!? I swear i was thinking about it last night lol. Tell her happy day from me will you
23:49 Ex: It will be on Thursday
23:49 Ex: He wasn't very nice though he said a lot of bad thing but he was definitely fake
23:49 Ex: He got so much incorrect
23:49 Me: Oh okay, i'll do it myself then, dam my sixth sense lol
23:50 Ex: Lol
23:50 Me: Hmm, how she doing anyway though, health wise i mean
23:50 Ex: He said I will get married when I am 34
23:50 Ex: Haha
23:50 Ex: My mom is fine
23:50 Ex: ?
23:51 Me: That's all that matters i think, and 34!?! Does she say to who lol
23:51 Ex: He said to a foreign man who is 6ft 5inch lol
23:51 Ex: So tall
23:51 Ex: I'm guessing not Thai they are small lol
23:52 Me: Lol yeah, I'm definitely out of the picture
23:52 Ex: Lol
23:52 Ex: He is fake don't worry lol
23:52 Me: Anyway need to goto sleep now, interview at 11:00
23:52 Ex: Good luck and good night X
23:52 Me: I'll catch up with you later

On 22/02/16
(this is me being insecure after finding that he had been with a new guy back when i still was with him, (he's basically overlapping relationship or cheating as well, am i right?)

05:52 Me hmm, are you still awake?
05:53 Ex What's up ?
05:55 Me Is this a bad time?
05:56 Ex I'm in bed can't sleep
05:56 Me oh never mind then
05:57 Ex Hey what is it ?
05:58 Me nah nothing i was just being overthinking things
05:58 Ex Ok
05:59 Me Are you still working tho?
05:59 Ex Yes
06:00 Me Can i call to talk to you real quick
06:00 Me I don't wanna do this over texting
06:00 Ex Just tell me please
06:00 Ex It's not good time because i try to sleep
06:01 Me okay, i'm sorry to wasting time here but here it is
06:01 Me "I just wanna tell you one last time, to get it out of my system, of how much i really love and miss you. And I’m sorry for the way we ended. I honestly thought we were gonna still be friends, but I don't want to be just a friend to you. So this is sort of me letting you go i guess because deep down in my heart I know it's not gonna happen.
I really wish I've been honest to my feeling of what i want and to you also since the begining, I just somehow know it that to fall in love, and being in a relationship with a great guy like you is one of the best thing in my life. But as we grow to know each other more, I don't know why, or may be we both do but just don't want to admit it, we just pretent everything is fine as when they're not and we just let it slide. (Yes, i'm talking about our sex life lol). Also, I fucking regreated that I shouldn't have the courage more to let you know and show you how much I truly care and love you Bill. And most of all, I'm realised it now that I should stop feeling guilty or at least stop punishing myself this hard for hurting you, as i'm very much hurt as well, Although the act of cheating is unforgiveable and i do not expect any forgiveness from you. But this lesson also taught me how much pain can dishonestly can hurt someone you love, and I won't let it heppen again for sure to the person i care for.

I do not have any regret what so ever for the year we have spend together, I've learn a lot and i was really lucky to have you as my first boyfriend. And I also know that you'll be more than fine, getting though this more than I am, but I think I've now come to term with all of it.

And as you've now moved on, I must admit it was a bit unexpected to me at first. And i'm sure this is must be same feeling to what you had felt when finding out that i was seeing someone else, but with less intensity. Also, I know that we've already been discussed and agreed upon about dating other people. But seeing you now made me realised now that what I really want for you is to be happy with a great guy that would treat you well.

I want one thing to be clear and hope you don't take this the wrong way, but i'm not trying to ask you for a second chance here, I just wanna get a closure for myself and moving on with my life and I think that's the best thing for both of us at the moment. (i'm doing pretty good now, just need to start working asap to stop thinking about you)

Once again, I really miss the time we spent together, although it might be boring for you, but it's certainly not at all for me. Although, you being a pain in the ass sometime, it has shown me the world from you perspective, the world you brought me. You're always there for me, giving me motivation, and be a solid rock for me and for us even in the most terrible of time. Also, if you still need any help when you come to Thailand, I'm still gonna keep my promise and to be there as a friend for you until you settle everything out. And someday, when i can re-earn your trust, I really hope you would still be in a part of my life Smile

06:02 Me i know it's freaking long, but yeah that's what I've been wanted to tell you
06:03 Me again, i'm sorry for the bad timing to tell you this. gonna leave you be now
06:04 Ex Hey don't worry you stupid cow
06:04 Ex That's so silly. Of course you'll always be part of my life
06:05 Ex And I don't feel any bad feeling about what happened. Just forget it!!!
06:05 Ex It happens oh well you were just exploring. I don't care lol
06:05 Ex Stop thinking about me too much I'll see you in July X
06:09 Ex Sorry that we don't speak too much anymore just busy. But I'll see you again soon and I do still think about you. You just think about me because I'm your first love and you didn't find another since you went home. ??
06:09 Ex It makes me sad that you think about me that much though. Concentrate on you okay xxx
06:09 Ex Love ya x
13:06 Ex Hey
14:19 Ex Are you alright?
14:22 Me Yeah, I'm good
14:22 Ex Please don't feel sad
14:22 Ex You trust me don't you. I will see you again in July!
14:22 Me Listen kinda feel like you get what I'm trying to tell you
14:23 Me I'm gonna put this as straight as possible this time okay
14:24 Me So, first of all, there's no need for you to feel bad or sorry anymore. I'm pass the low point now and I'm have now move on
14:25 Me And I'm not trying to play any silly mind games here, it just basically what i really feel
14:26 Me So, yes. I would still be there when you come to Thailand okay?
14:26 Ex Yes
14:26 Ex I do miss you also
14:26 Ex Just so you know. I still think about you a lot
14:27 Ex But yeah let those feelings go and we will still see each other when I come back ??*
14:27 Ex As friends
14:27 Me Yeah, i'll trying here and it's working out good now
14:28 Me But also let me be clear, i really do hope somehow i can be friend that you can talk and relay on
14:30 Me I not saying I don't want to be your friend, but i would make thing more complicated for me
14:30 Ex It's up to you okay
14:30 Ex Take some time
14:30 Me Yeah
14:35 Ex: What makes you think I have moved on ?
14:37 Me Let me just phrase this a bit
14:39 Me Well, I kinda have feeling for quite a while now that you're kinda being hot and cold to me, which I don't mind. And i know for a fact that you do have been talking to someone since last December i think according to my friend
14:40 Ex Who's your friend ?
14:41 Me I totally respect your boundaries but i also want to let you know that it's you privacy and me poking my nose into it would make notting good come out
14:41 Me A friend at University
14:41 Ex How would they know anything ?
14:42 Me But also want you to know that i'm not gonna be hoping for you to pick me just in case as plan B guy
14:43 Me Does it matter how they know tho?
14:44 Me But listen, i'm not praying on you life anymore, is totally up to you whether to believe me or not okay?
14:45 Ex I believe you
14:46 Ex Just know that I do care about you. I didn't move on really. Just come company when lonely tbh. But I will still be there for you when I come to Thailand for sure. And any time you wanna talk please tell me
14:46 Me I kinda know that as well, that he's might be just a rebound guy to you
14:51 Me Also, the other thing i also see from this is that
14:53 Me When you do come to Thailand, you are gonna really excited and happy as i have experienced that myself when moving to Birmingham
14:54 Me So, just carefully considered want you really want and feel. Don't let the excitement overcome or cloud you judgment that all i'm saying
14:56 Ex You have definitely thought too much about this
14:57 Ex Just look forward to meeting again okay
14:57 Me Yep
15:04 Me I'm thinking thoroughly this time now because I always let things slide before and I don't want it to happen to again that's all. Lol

All in All:

This is a very long story i know, but all of it is really what had happened, I truly love him but these last few conversation i had with him made me wonder,

- if he's only using me for the time being as a backup guy, until the other guy also come back to Thailand as well in September, and then i can just be dumped again?

- Should i confront him about he also cheated on me emotionally, by having an overlapping relationship? This would also count as he cheating on me as well?

- Should I told him clearly that I don't want to stay friend with him anymore? Because I would really want to be back with him romantically. (I know, by this to work, we also need to talked over our sex life and compromise).

- Would it make any difference to start the no-contact, or even stop contacting with my Ex from now on? I know that i need to focus and put myself first, I really am trying here but it really just is so dam hard because i really really do love him.

All your advises would be much appreciated no matter what, THANK YOU!!
Again, I'm apologise for such a long essay, and my bad grammar.

i only skimmed though this because there was a lot to read. Can you maybe try summing your thoughts and feelings into a couple of sentences? Maybe this will make you focus on the bigger more important things as it will make you think about what prioritise you give the relationship. Hope this helps

xx Tiff xx

I'm sorry about the long essay here, Tiff2600. I'll try summarise it in bullets points again in this post for you what had happened?, what I want to focus in order to move on? hope this made it easier for you to provide the advises Smile

What had happened:
1: I've cheated on my Ex, he confronted me about it, i come clean to him all about it.
2: The cheating was cause by the lack of communication and understanding between me and my Ex (mostly about sexual desire for each other).
3: We finally broken up now, but he still keeps in contact with my by expressing he still loves and misses me, i also reciprocate.
4: I've found out, he already by with a "rebound guy", or so i thought, since before we actually officially broken up.
5: This last act of my Ex, also makes me feel like I was also cheated by him, emotionally.

What I what to want to know? (in prioritise to how i weight my feeling on this relationship)
1: I want to savage this relationship I've had, if possible, and get back with my Ex as lover and not just friends (I don't want to be in his friends zone)
2: My ex already made it cleared to me that he want to get in touch with each other again in person in July 2016. Should I still insist on meeting with him as a "friend", and basically help him in every way to help him settled in his new place here in Thailand? (I don't like it that he seems to be giving me false hope, I don't want to be anyone doormat, I don't want to be used again)
3: In order to get pass the Proritise 1 & 2 above, should i confront him about everything I know so far, that's he only ready to let me go the first time as he already a back up guy, a month in advanced to keep him not to feels lonely when I'm not there anymore?

Therefore, I wonder if directly confront to push him to give me the answer of how he's see the situation would be a good idea? and does he still insist to be friends after all of this, because i don't?
Or I should give both of us a real times and spaces (by no contacting for 30 days or more) in order for both of us (especially me to moved on from him, and never get in touch with each other again if possible?)

Hope this helps, NTK

This was so long, the site kicked me out before I finished reading and again before I finished replying!

Ok, so you made a couple mistakes here:

1) Getting into a relationship too fast and having doubts. His mistake was to push it.

2) Both of you made the mistake of not talking through your issues. Lack of communication is a death sentence for a relationship.

3) Cheating. You should have ended the relationship or put in on a break. Excuses to cheat are numerous, but not one of them makes it any more acceptable. Trust was broken in that moment.

Things clearly changed from that point on, and he told you as much: "I can't make any promises" were his words, no?

He then started talking to someone else. Call it getting even. It's childish but not surprising. By then the relationship was badly damaged, even if you guys weren't officially broken up. Talking to him about it will only end up badly for you, I think.

So, now you're back home, as far as I see you 2 are broken up. Which is why I don't get this:

He ask me whether I've been seeing anyone, i reply "yes, a couple of guy but noting serious as i don't need to be in a relationship at the moment and how i enjoyed a single life." And i ask him the same in return, he told me he was using grinder app, but wasn't really dating anyone. In which, this makes me feel really angry and hurtful. and I directly asked him, "so are we just friends now?"

It's a bit odd to me that you'd get upset that he is seeing other people when you were doing the same thing and especially considering it's something you both agreed on.

Now the current scenario.

Fron the conversations you had, it seems to me that he wants to remain friends. He keeps telling you to let those feelings go and to not think about him so much. That sounds pretty clear to me.

Now, can you handle that? If not, you have to let him know and then move on, because otherwise you'll only be hurting yourself.

Even if you guys ended up together somehow, plenty of things would need to change for it to not go the same way it did before.

This is part of life, I guess, you make mistakes, learn from them and try not to repeat them
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Thank you so much Insertnamehere!

I'm actually come to the same conclusions myself.

As for "He ask me whether I've been seeing anyone, i reply "yes, a couple of guy but noting serious as i don't need to be in a relationship at the moment and how i enjoyed a single life." And i ask him the same in return, he told me he was using grinder app, but wasn't really dating anyone. In which, this makes me feel really angry and hurtful. and I directly asked him, "so are we just friends now?" "

Yes, it's true that we both agreed to see other people while we're separated, but it was just the toned and how he ask me the questions that really has set me off i guess. Cause I feel at that time he tried to forced us into competition to getting a new guy some how.

And for the advises on my current scenario, I'm gonna call him and let him know and then move on and only agreed to be back with him romantically but not as friend, if he ever gonna change his mind.

stay friends, help each other through it and move on. It hurts yeah, but my first boyfriend and i broke up and got back together 3 times and now we hate each other. We did more damage than good trying to salvage things. Somethings are best left in the past. You broke up for a reason....

NTK Wrote:.... I truly love him but these last few conversation i had with him made me wonder,

- if he's only using me for the time being as a backup guy, until the other guy also come back to Thailand as well in September, and then i can just be dumped again?

- Should i confront him about he also cheated on me emotionally, by having an overlapping relationship? This would also count as he cheating on me as well?

- Should I told him clearly that I don't want to stay friend with him anymore? Because I would really want to be back with him romantically. (I know, by this to work, we also need to talked over our sex life and compromise).

- Would it make any difference to start the no-contact, or even stop contacting with my Ex from now on? I know that i need to focus and put myself first, I really am trying here but it really just is so dam hard because i really really do love him.

All your advises would be much appreciated no matter what, THANK YOU!!
Again, I'm apologise for such a long essay, and my bad grammar.
The very fact that you are pondering such questions negates even the possibility of a relationship. You say you love him and he's said the same to you. But I see no indication of either of these proclamations being true. Love may include an element of infatuation but infatuation is not love. Apparently both of you are too emotionally immature to understand the difference. I would say "just move on" but the problem is both of you are going to do similar things with your next prospective partners. So, if I'm right about that, you might as well act it out on one another rather than entangling more innocent victims in your webs of emotional abuse.

In short: It looks to me like neither one of you know who you really are, what you really want, or what it means to love. Until you do know, or at least have some clue about these questions, nothing is going to change regardless who you're trying to engage in a relationship. You're not ready.


My advice is, relationships shouldn't be that complicated. That it took you walls of text to describe tells me this probably isn't worth trying to salvage.

an ex is an ex for a reason. Move on.
[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]  <<< It's mine!

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