04-22-2016, 08:09 AM
TwisttheLeaf Wrote:I'm not sure it's the same for women, tho. Because I've met a LOT of women that enjoy watching m/m porn and -especially- enjoy reading m/m erotica/porn.
For me personally, a come hither look in some picture can do more than an explicit scene. Not to say that this is always the case, but many explicit scenes are just missing something important, while some scenes are intense without being explicit that really engage my imagination and set a mood. Also, there's a sympathetic reaction, regardless of genders involved. I know I'm not alone on that.
The m/m anime/manga that appeals to females (made by women for women) is different than the m/m anime/manga that appeals to gay males (made by gay males for gay males), and both have their own name. They're typically different enough to warrant a different division despite that both are m/m.
I looked at the stuff aimed at women out of curiosity and found it very similar to the erotic romance genre (this was stuff I was able to find in a bookstore, it's possible they refused to carry more radical or explicit stuff that may also be popular). And I was confused because it didn't seem m/m at first...I got into reading one trying to figure it out and it was awhile before I realized that the couple I thought was m/f was actually m/m because one was so feminized in appearance and personality, basically a "chick with a dick." The feminized male love interest was even the height of a woman so that his head came up to the chest of the masculine man, another reason I thought the feminized man was a woman.
Beyond that, I have heard women say they prefer the gay male porn because the guys are hot...the male actors are usually ugly in the straight porn, but then the straight porn is aimed at men, not women (and wouldn't want the poor straight men to panic as they found the guy hot as well

I've seen all kinds of porn and erotica out of curiosity, and I can say that the straight erotica made by women for women is more appealing to me (and likely to inspire an erotic feeling) than lesbian porn made by men for men (which is typically silly at best, and often a turn off for me). However, lesbian porn made by lesbians for lesbians is the most likely to inspire an erotic feeling in me, and if I'm in the mood to watch porn to be turned on then that would be my first choice.