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Does what porn you watch indicate your sexuality?
TwisttheLeaf Wrote:I'm not sure it's the same for women, tho. Because I've met a LOT of women that enjoy watching m/m porn and -especially- enjoy reading m/m erotica/porn.

For me personally, a come hither look in some picture can do more than an explicit scene. Not to say that this is always the case, but many explicit scenes are just missing something important, while some scenes are intense without being explicit that really engage my imagination and set a mood. Also, there's a sympathetic reaction, regardless of genders involved. I know I'm not alone on that.

The m/m anime/manga that appeals to females (made by women for women) is different than the m/m anime/manga that appeals to gay males (made by gay males for gay males), and both have their own name. They're typically different enough to warrant a different division despite that both are m/m.

I looked at the stuff aimed at women out of curiosity and found it very similar to the erotic romance genre (this was stuff I was able to find in a bookstore, it's possible they refused to carry more radical or explicit stuff that may also be popular). And I was confused because it didn't seem m/m at first...I got into reading one trying to figure it out and it was awhile before I realized that the couple I thought was m/f was actually m/m because one was so feminized in appearance and personality, basically a "chick with a dick." The feminized male love interest was even the height of a woman so that his head came up to the chest of the masculine man, another reason I thought the feminized man was a woman.

Beyond that, I have heard women say they prefer the gay male porn because the guys are hot...the male actors are usually ugly in the straight porn, but then the straight porn is aimed at men, not women (and wouldn't want the poor straight men to panic as they found the guy hot as well Evilgrinblack ).

I've seen all kinds of porn and erotica out of curiosity, and I can say that the straight erotica made by women for women is more appealing to me (and likely to inspire an erotic feeling) than lesbian porn made by men for men (which is typically silly at best, and often a turn off for me). However, lesbian porn made by lesbians for lesbians is the most likely to inspire an erotic feeling in me, and if I'm in the mood to watch porn to be turned on then that would be my first choice.

Just looking at the title i have to say in a certain way "What is porn?" just wanted to add my few words haha

I watch straight porn, but imagine things degenerative arousing my sexual appetite. Turning into a different race, playing with fecal matter, becoming fat or disabled or embarrasing myself in private makes me stiff. Almost always I get the arousal from anything considered bad. Girls hurt like hell until I try on them, Im too selfish to try heterosexual relationships out and have been in only homosexual relations because I feel like it.

Boaxy Wrote:No straight man is going to watch man porn. I'm not saying he's gay, but he's def not straight. I'm sorry.

That's why generally guys who are trying to hide their sexuality have straight porn to masquerade that.

Hahahaha you could be surprised my friend, not everything is black and white. And don't be sorry, you just don't know it's okay not knowing.

Boaxy Wrote:Surprised about what. There is a reason why lesbian porn is doing so well. Guys don't want to see dick, they want to see the women.

Again I'm not saying he's gay, but he's not straight.

Okay what's that reason? You seem to know, so please enlighten me and the others. Although I was not referring to lesbian porn I was referring to your blunt statement

Quote:No straight man is going to watch man porn.

How can you be so certain about straight men not watching gay porn, there is such things we call curiosity, and while some open minded sexually emancipated straight men can and will watch gay porn, they're just not going to brag about it. And that doesn't totally means they want or will have sexual entercourse with guys. Some straight guys could as well be excited by gay porn and even masturbate to it but that where they desire stop, so you cannot categorically classify them as closeted gay if they do not perceive themselves that way.

Having worked in porn I know some performers that will have sex with guys for money, yet some of them are married and even have children and they only have sex with men for the financial gain- sure in my book they are called Conditional Bisexuals - which means that the person is either straight, gay/lesbian, but will switch to a relationship with another gender for financial or career gain or for a specific purpose, such as young straight males who become gay prostitutes or lesbians who get married to men in order to gain acceptance from family members or to have children.

But if that person defines him/herself as being straight, until they say otherwise or that it become too obvious that they are hiding their sexuality, I would respect the choice of that person of not using any label and if straight they feel, straight they are. That's what I meant by not everything is black and white.

My 1st (other than female) encounter was with a transgender, it made it easier for me the thought that I was with more of a female than male, but realized I had a strong desire and interest in men as well, it was and still is hard cause I live and work around mostly straight people, and they all think i'm straight, just the thought of being nude in bed with a man turns me on way more than a woman, I have upmost respect for all of you who had the courage to come out Smile

Boaxy Wrote:The reason is people of any race watch porn because they are sexually frustrated or want to be sexually stimulated. There are very few people that watch porn that are in strong relationships or are sexually active to where they don't need porn.
Boaxy are you familiar with this sentence "With Exceptional Claims You need to provide Exceptional evidences. YOUR OPINION on a subject does not count as evidence.

Quote:Guys watch the most porn, and guys like vagina, they don't like dick. So if they don't like dick in real life, why the hell are they going to watch it on porn? They won't.

Where's the evidence?

Quote:The only exception to the rule is if the guy is "bisexual" or gay.
Oh really, but which type of bisexual, because of the complexity of bisexuality, there's 13 types of bisexual, I gave you one in a previous post, but now I do understand now that I shouldn't expect you to know more about it.

Quote:I knew it. I fucking knew it you support gay for pay people.
I support also effeminate guys, BDSM practitioners, Several types of Fetishes, etc. Did you knew that too? I had a studio dum dum, studios works with whom are ready to do what we say for the money that we pay. If a lesbian wants to have first time sex with a man and decided it wasn't for her and go back to girl and never go back with a man afterward, it count as a one-time experience and that doesn't make her less than a gay woman because she had that one time. Do you actually use logical deduction before replying? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you? Extremely judgemental.

If the act is made in all consent from adult and by adult it is absolutely none of your business whether or not a guy suck or fuck other guys for money. You watch porn but you failed to understand that is a JOB. Do you have a sixth sense to discover which performer from the porn you watch had sex with girls before? You don't know, they're make-belief, not their real name and the story before they start fucking isn't real either, just in case you didn't know Smile

Quote:I don't want to continue this discussion. Those guys should be doing straight porn, if they are "straight". They are gay. End of discussion.

You don't get to call the end of discussion, and you don't get to decide the fate of anyone, I believe you'll have enough work by trying to work with yourself. I wasn't sure at first but now I am closing in your patterns and this is so so so close to the sense of entitlement syndrome. Are you actually certain you're here to discuss and learn from others or you truly just want to tell what a wonderful person you are by denigrating yourself on every post so someone will tell you that you're not bad so you get pumped with compliments ? How we should pay attention to you, how your opinion is law and that if anything derive from your quite narrow understanding of the world that surrounds you, it doesn't exist or doesn't worth learning more about it?

Oh and Boaxy until you directly read something from me saying that I support gay for pay, you can not pretend that i said it - by the way what there is to support? Is this a non for profit organization that I can write a cheque to, do they have a website i.e. gayforpay.org

For a guy who keeps on complaining about being black and unsuccessful in finding a mate, or that he's being shun off for being effeminate, I find your tolerance with things that you don't understand very low.

You don't get to decide what is wrong or right for anyone and being a person with acceptance issues from others, i'd expect the same guy not to immediately jump to conclusion. But hey, I understand people with sense of entitlement do show some of those narcissistic behaviors.

Anyway, just an advice, knowledge is power, I feel that you're very weak at the moment, you might want to exercise your mind a little.

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