I actually seen what alcohol has done to people in a really bad way my grandad had liver cirrhosis and well yeah it wasn't nice to see him go through that. That's why I don't drink heavily and go out every weekend spending tons of money. Ok I had a few beers that night after work only because it was a hell of a stressful day. And thank you [MENTION=20738]TwisttheLeaf[/MENTION] and [MENTION=21156]Anocxu[/MENTION] for your words of wisdom. I have decided not to pursue this as youre right. I don't know the guy and my instinct hasn't let me down yet.
If you only had a few beers, and can't remember what happened 100%, perhaps one of them were spiked with something? Just a thought. Date rape drugs are out there, so you've got to be careful.
My fiance has often gotten blackout drunk. He walks, talks, and can "function" while blacked out. Depending on his mood, he can be angry, belligerent, sad, crying. Has absolutely no memory of what he does when he blacks out, but insists "I can handle my liquor."
I'm with Mikes thoughts if this is a frequent occurrence for you. From what you say, it doesn't sound like it is. Consider Mikes words guidance, not judgement.
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Mike does have a point. Drinking till you can't remember isn't the best of things to do. Anything could have happened to you from being raped to killed. I would really stick to just one or two smaller sized drinks from now own. Dont look at it as being judgmental think of it as a friend/father figure ( mike is up there he can be like dad to some of us here xD) trying to make sure you don't do something stupid again
I am the angles that hold and surround you
I am the demon you're afraid to meet
I only had a few beers. It was a 7% beer and I had a few pints. I was in sight of it, it was on the table infront of me and nobody had an opportunity to slip anything into my drink. I hadn't drunk alcohol for 3mths prior to having a drink on that day. It isn't a regular thing for me. I think spending money on alcohol is wasteful. I just wanted to loosen up after a trying day at work. And I don't think anyone would dare try it on with me because I ain't small. I will beat anyone who tried it on to a pulp.
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Did you have a few hits off the peace pipe by chance? I mean a few beers even at 7% and not being much of a drinker wouldn't normally get someone drunk enough...so you may have forgotten some events simply because you...well forgot. I do it all the time and I don't have to be drunk or in an otherwise altered state of mind. I just forget mundane details...sometimes not mundane details.
At any rate don't think [MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION] was trying to be judgmental. I'd say most people might have thought you were slobbering drunk by reading your posts. I will admit that people who aren't used to his style of writing might think he's being an asshole when he's really not. Also help to learn to be less sensitive to criticism, even when you think they're full of shit...none of us are perfect. I do think most everyone's egos could be taken down a notch or two every now and then.
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
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I don't do drugs. Or smoke. I got asthma. I am something of a lightweight because I ain't a regular drinker. But I was tipsy and still in control. But either way. I ain't pursuing it anymore. I don't want to end up with a total weirdo. But I always had a bit of a selective memory. The stuff I don't need to remember I filter out. Anything important stays with me.
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I don't drink very often either...about 3-4 beers and I'm a happy camper... I've only gotten plastered twice and honestly I don't care to do that again...the hangover just isn't worth it.
Usually what happens to me is someone who i take off my contacts list on my phone sends me a text 6 months later and I'm like who the hell are you?
"I’m not expecting to grow flowers in a desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
Check out my stuff!
I am gonna do the approaches from now on I think because i am that kind of guy. Always have been.