10-22-2016, 08:21 PM
Debate here instead of the chat menu please?
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10-22-2016, 08:21 PM
Debate here instead of the chat menu please?
10-22-2016, 09:17 PM
Not my body..not my choice....
...and the bottom line...it should NEVER be the government's decision what choice you make because once you say it is OK for the government to legislate your womb..when overpopulation becomes the huge problem it WILL become,....you can expect the same government whom you have given permission to legislate a woman's womb to use this right to force an abortion..or sterilize a woman after one child.... It is perfect now...if you don't want an abortion... don't have one.....but keep your "moral values" to yourself and live by them yourself..don't force them on anyone else. If you insist on forcing your POV on women who are facing the hardest decision they will ever have to make.....you should be sentenced to working in the crack baby ward....or feeding the homeless..or apologizing to the children who were sold and forced to become sex slaves.....
10-22-2016, 09:46 PM
The sooner it gets legalized here, the sooner it can stop happening (regardless of its illegal status) in an unregulated environment, which it DOES.
That's about the only thing I can and will say about the topic. ![]()
10-22-2016, 09:47 PM
[MENTION=18508]East[/MENTION] - I couldn't agree more. In my job as a first responder in a large city, I see so many horrors inflicted on children by parents who never really wanted them. Parents who are addicted, impaired, ignorant or just plain vicious.
And yes, it would be ideal if the only women who got pregnant wanted a child, wanted to love and protect and cherish a child. But since that is so very much not the case.....so until that fairy tale comes true, I go on the side of pro choice.
10-22-2016, 09:55 PM
East Wrote:if you don't want an abortion... don't have one.....but keep your "moral values" to yourself and live by them yourself..don't force them on anyone else. Fucking right! You don't like an abortion, go ahead and never have one. You do not have the right to tell other people what they can or cannot do with their body!! What bullshit mentality some people have in their heads.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
10-22-2016, 10:07 PM
I think it should be legal and be clean, safe, and accessible for the women who have made that decision. While keeping it legal though, I think it's also important to educate young men and women on sex and reproduction, and about contraceptive options. Those options should also be made accessible.
I personally believe a fetus is alive and I don't feel very good about the idea of abortions. But I also value the life of those who have already been born - the life of the woman herself who is unable or unwilling to care for a child. I think that because a woman carries the baby until its born, it's her decision to make. Not mine, not the governments. I certainly don't think banning them or harassing women going to clinics solves the problem. I think some empathy is called for, as well as early, pre sexually-active sex education. I'd also challenge many people who identify as pro life to actually live up to that identity. In the USA at least, our culture is hyper sexualized. So children and young people are already being bombarded with sexual imagery. I don't see why it's so offensive or controversial to educate on what sex actually is and what the risks and consequences of it are.
10-22-2016, 10:38 PM
The only thing I can say is there is a point where an abortion needs to take place. Right now in the US most states are somewhere between 24-26 weeks, that's 6 months basically. Basically it is where the baby can survive on it's own. I read that Arkansas passed a law limiting it to 12 weeks, which I read is the point where you can detect a heartbeat on a sonogram.
My thing is where do you draw the line between the rights of the woman having an abortion and the rights of the unborn child. I mean at 6 months...I'd say the lines get blurry. I think people are morally sick to think abortions are ok at the very end of the pregnancy. Sorry, I can't wrap my head around that and be ok with it. So where do you draw the line? Here's a week by week on fetus development... 1st trimester http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...45302?pg=1 http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...45302?pg=2 2nd trimester http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...46151?pg=1 http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...46151?pg=2 3rd trimester http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...t-20045997 http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest...45997?pg=2 Do it early on is all I'm saying. I'm not saying abortions should be outright banned. However, I think there is a definitely point where an abortion is the same thing as killing a baby. For me looking at these articles describing that point for me agrees with what most states have set in law...about 24 weeks. After that I think you would have a pretty well developed human. Unless there is a significant health risk to the baby or the mother I don't think anything much past that is right. I find the idea of partial-birth abortions gross. You have to be morally ill to be ok with let's just call it killing a baby. It's only a technicality between saying it is a fetus or a baby at that point... A technicality like that doesn't make it ok. The ONLY reason why I would ever in the slightest be ok with something late term would be if the mother and or baby will die as a result of giving birth. I do agree that women have the right to do as they please with their body, but there's a point where it's no longer just hers. Again, not saying it should be banned but there is a fine line between having an abortion and when I see it as murder. Just my thoughts on it. Women can do as they please, but those who are ok with late term and partial birth are sick in my eyes.
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10-22-2016, 10:41 PM
not my body but it's not like im ever going to get pregnant .. lol ..
10-23-2016, 12:01 AM
Think im lock step on what axle said.
A woman can protect herself by taking pills, her lover can pull out or wear a condom. If there is an accident or she is raped and impregnated she has 28 weeks to get an abortion. Once there is a baby with arms and legs, heart developing brain, you cross a line that was cluster of cells to a human being. No one should have the right to end that baby's life unless the mothers life is in danger, its the mothers responsibility to abort it before it crosses that line, were not talking minutes, hours or days after she is pregnant but 28 weeks. Now if there is a danger to the baby or mother, a later c section or abortion should be on the table. 28 weeks is enough time to make a good decision, this is not like adopting a kitten at a shelter its another human being beyond this point and if it comes to the mother simply not wanting the baby she can give it up for adoption later but she should not be able to end its life on a whim IE dont want it, get rid of it before its a problem (again medical complications are another story). To me saying im not a woman therefore it does not matter to me is like im not a Jew therefore gas chambers are fine. Once its developed to a point its a human baby, an abortion is murder. Too many people cant take responsibility for their actions, 28 WEEKS if you cant find time to go and get the operation done then FIND TIME, its only like a babies life is on the line. I mean no big deal right? At some point you gotta sit down and think, where is the line that this is a human baby? Because if you say its at 28 weeks but are ok with a late abortion then with that logic it is fine to murder a 1 year old. Now if you truly believe its not a baby until its out of the womb I can see this somewhat and your point is more valid but I think if I watched a video of doctors cutting a developed baby out of its mother, chopping pieces like some chunk of meat or breaking its bones as they twist it out I think I would cry and I would see it as a baby legally being murdered before it had its chance at life. All because someone couldn't make a choice sooner. smh ![]()
10-23-2016, 12:20 AM
SilverBullet Wrote:28 weeks is enough time to make a good decision, this is not like adopting a kitten at a shelter its another human being beyond this point and if it comes to the mother simply not wanting the baby she can give it up for adoption later but she should not be able to end its life on a whim IE dont want it, get rid of it before its a problem (again medical complications are another story). 28 weeks is about 7 months. Is there a place where they get abortions after that period? And yes, that is enough time to make a decision. Although, I gotta say I thought that period was shorter, like the first 3 months or something. Also, I doubt people abort on a whim, as you said. It's a big decision, and not influenced by something as stupid as looking fat in their pants (as you made a mention of in the chatbox). Nobody makes this decision so lightly as that.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
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