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I'm for it.

meridannight Wrote:28 weeks is about 7 months. Is there a place where they get abortions after that period? And yes, that is enough time to make a decision. Although, I gotta say I thought that period was shorter, like the first 3 months or something.

Also, I doubt people abort on a whim, as you said. It's a big decision, and not influenced by something as stupid as looking fat in their pants (as you made a mention of in the chatbox). Nobody makes this decision so lightly as that.

only in 41 states in the USA say NO after 28 weeks, but the fight for abortion (depending on who it is) wants to abolish this as these are the laws on the books at this moment. And I understand people have other reasons than just their pants size. It was a comparison as I wanted to show that any reason beyond a life being in danger is frivolous next to another life. Just like I understand comparing this to the holocaust is a stretch ie (im not a jew so gas chambers are ok) but the mentality is the same to me, life is the most precious thing anyone can have. NO BODY has the right to end that short of another life(s) on the line be they a woman, male, king or w/e.

Seriously why are you guys assuming that one can abort after 28th week? This is the information I got on USA:

newkidscenter.com Wrote:Surgical Abortion – This type of abortion can be done anytime up to the 14th week in most states, but some do allow them up to the 24th week of pregnancy. Only in extreme cases will an abortion ever be allowed after the 24th week. There must be a threat to the mother’s or baby’s life if the pregnancy is to continue.

wikipedia Wrote:In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 26% of abortions in the United States were known to have been obtained at less than 6 weeks' gestation, 18% at 7 weeks, 15% at 8 weeks, 18% at 9 through 10 weeks, 9.7% at 11 through 12 weeks, 6.2% at 13 through 15 weeks, 4.1% at 16 through 20 weeks and 1.4% at more than 21 weeks.

They don't abort viable fetuses. Aren't you guys panicking over nothing here?
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meridannight Wrote:Seriously why are you guys assuming that one can abort after 28th week? This is the information I got on USA:

They don't abort viable fetuses. Aren't you guys panicking over nothing here?

what me and axle pointed out is how we feel about it, IE abortion is ok if done early but we arent jumping full on the boat that a woman can do whatever she wants with her baby IE at some point the baby has rights.
Allot of people shouting, her body her rights!

I think Clinton supports up to 28 weeks so no nothing to freak about, I didn't think I was freaking out really but if someone says her body her rights and means that completely even after 28 weeks then I feel like they are supporting murder.

meridannight Wrote:Seriously why are you guys assuming that one can abort after 28th week? This is the information I got on USA:

They don't abort viable fetuses. Aren't you guys panicking over nothing here?

That reminds me of the third debate when Trump was talking about aborting babies the day before they are born and Clinton was looking at him like what planet are you from

Emiliano Wrote:That reminds me of the third debate when Trump was talking about aborting babies the day before they are born and Clinton was looking at him like what planet are you from

Yeah if that were to be allowed, that would be a complete disgrace. Late term and partial-birth abortions are illegal in the US, as they should be. Like I say someone would have to be pretty sick to be ok with late term and partial birth. Of course Trump used that in the debate because it is a cheap shot. You have to think about all your religious nut jobs who know less than nothing about pregnancy to make a stance about it. It is a sensitive subject for many people.

Both my sister and I were C-sections. Honestly, given the health problems my mother already had at the time, honestly we're both lucky to be here...and lucky to be in this part of the world where we can express ourselves pretty much uncensored... Could easily be less fortunate. Speaking of being a baby, the earliest memory I have was at some point when I was still in diapers...From what I can remember I was getting my diaper changed in the family room on the couch, which was next to the patio doors...I can remember the sun peering in through the yellow curtains...I also remember pissing all over the place too...

You know overpopulation is almost inevitable. We're technologically advanced, life comes easy (compared to other regions on the planet). It would be totalitarianistic to allow things to get to a point where we force women into having an abortion, to be sterilized or forced to use a contraceptive. That would be insane. However, in the big picture, world population is a lame excuse to advocate abortion. Same as saying oh well that kid won't have a good life, he or she will grow up to be a murderer or drug dealer...or a sex slave. I mean those are very bad and unfortunate realities but in a pretty small percentage...which also brings me to another point.

At the same time abortion has actually done some good things... I'll have to find the link but a lot of data suggests that because women have been able to have abortions, for whatever the reason, resulted in the major decrease in crime in the 1990's through now (at least according to the US and this documentary).

There are the good and bad things that come from abortion. There will always be irresponsible people who thought they pulled out, or they didn't know something.

I think it is a great thing when gay couples adopt. There are so many kids in foster care and it is a shame more people aren't able to adopt. I mean I get me not being able to adopt (right now), I have other things in my life to get straight long before I could ever consider doing that. Although that is another subject for discussion.
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Sometimes things happen ( Rape) And the mother just cant deal with having a baby after a tragic event like that. I don't understand why so many people dislike the fact about abortions. If it isn't effecting you why should you care? Are we that entailed that everything must be centered around only you?
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People tend to intellectualize abortion, the morals, the ethics. There are a hell of a lot of women out there who fall through the cracks. Poor, uneducated, hampered maybe by language, addiction, exploitation. Always by fear. And a lot of macho-men who think that being a Baby-Daddy is a mark of sexual prowess and strength. Shit, you see them all the time on those idiot TV talk shows, bragging it up. The fuck-and-then-duck brigade. Loud shouts of, that aint my kid!

So yeah, no abortion. Don't kill the baby. And it's born. Momma don't want it because it ties her down. Daddy got a new bunch of dumb sluts to fuck. So the kids neglected. Abused. Way too often, killed.

I'm not being dramatic, I work on the fucking streets of this fucking city every day. What have I seen? Babies shaken, punched, burned, thrown against walls. Bodies of babies in dumpsters. This isn't some empty rhetoric, I HAVE SEEN ALL OF THOSE THINGS.

You want to tell a woman she can't have an abortion? Quibble about 3 vs. 6 months? Then YOU step up and make sure these women get prenatal care. Parenting classes., Sufficient income to raise the child. Protect the mom and the child from all those fucking Baby-Daddy's who don't wear condoms because it "don't feel right, man" and because they want to rack up their baby scores.

I don't have answers. I'm just so sick of hearing people condemning abortion. So it's better to have the kid and then let it die a violent death? I'm so, so sick. Every time we roll on a call that's "unresponsive infant" or any number of horrible things involving kids, I get sicker.

Do I advocate for abortion? Fuck, no. So someone, please, find an answer. And stop making it sound like every woman who has an abortion actually has viable choices.

Christ, I'm rambling on like Trump on steroids. Sorry. But it just all feels so fucking hopeless sometimes.

i agree .. half of abortions happen because of stupid dumb bitch-fuckers .. and Hillary is one big bitch to solve this problem for them ..

Thank fuck I live in the UK.

I love US people but their country is governed very strangely lol.

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