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I think I have found the perfect guy for me, we chat everyday and he makes me so happy. The only problem is I can be too clingy and don't want to scare him away! For example he's working tonight and hasn't returned my text yet and my mind goes into overdrive and I think he doesn't want me, my senseable side of my mind tells me he's busy. It's been a while since I have felt like this about anyone. Need to stop being clingy though.
An eye for an eye
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
That's really great Dan! At least you recognise you think you're being clingy (I think this is natural until the initial 'glowy period' settles down a bit) so you can stop yourself from doing anything too off-putting. Just try to enjoy it, and he probably is just busy at work. I know in my job I hardly ever get chance to see my phone or reply to people. Just ride out this period while your hormones are all swirly-whirly and build strong foundations for a great relationship

And big congrats
Gossip is the Devil’s telephone; best just to hang up.
congrats .. congrats .. !! .. happy for you Dan! ..
Posts: 734
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Joined: Jul 2015
I'm a : Single Bi Man
Congratulations Dan I'm so happy for you.
Happy for ya! Like its been stated, glad you can recognize your clinginess (not sure if that's a word lol). Just keep cool and have fun😊