Anonymous Wrote:To ILoveAllAsians
You are one of the most selfish things I have come across. Have you ever stopped to consider how your wife feels about all this. You obviously don't 'Love her' or are prepared to consider her feelings.
From your post you are obviously gay, and were probably 'forced' into this marriage. Some cultures don't accept open homosexuality and I suspect Hong Kong Chinese are among them, but I may be wrong.
Divorce your wife (before you have kids) and go out and get as much yellow c*ck as you want. At the moment you are living a double life and that is very unfair to all concerned.
I'm the most selfish things you've come across? Well lucky you! There are far worse people in the world...such as sociopaths, hate mongers, and embezzlers.
I'M ONLY HUMAN AND I'M NOT PERFECT. Let me're totally perfect and have zero character flaws?
Also a big fuck you for painting me with a broad brush and stating I don't love my wife. Seriously go fuck yourself with a rainbow colored dildo.
In most western countries, married men like to jerk off to porn and their wives in many cases don't like it but these men think it's okay. Are they being totally selfish and don't love their wife too? Why don't they stop and consider how their wife feels about it?
How is me playing tennis with my friend any different than me getting fucked or sucking him off? Both are social activities and in both cases I'd be away from my wife. Neither activity is harmful if safety measures are in place. Nobody owns my body except ME. Likewise I do not own my wife and if she were to have an affair, I would not be upset. In fact it would make things so much easier, and I would still love her UNCONDITIONALLY.
I can see that you are those "Bi today, Gay Tomorrow"

type of people. I'm sorry but I am not GAY so fuck you for shoehorning me into that label you anonymous asshole. I really enjoy fucking my wife, but has the thought ever crossed through your mind that maybe I'd like to also feel what it's like to get fucked?
You only live once, then you're fucking dead. There is no afterlife. Excuse me for trying to live my life to the fullest instead of being chained to arbitrary restrictions.