James Wrote:Hi all,
I am sure that many of you don't know me, I also don't know you all but would like too. As we talk and use this forum to make new friends or invite old friends, would it be out of the question to take a little of our hard earned cash to support this forum and show that we want it to continue. Times are tough right now but I think we all could come up with just enough as a group to help offset some of the costs. I go in peace, Jim
Thanks Jim!

We've almost reached the target for this month with only 9 euros left!

mile: The site is run from a dedicated server at home so will help to pay for the running costs (it being left on all the time) and also for the internet pipe which I will try and make as fast as possible.
ch-photo Wrote:How is the site funded now? Who actually owns it?
I see there are advertisements through the site - what revenue do they bring in?
I set the site up for fun to help bring people together to chat and make friends in a non sleazy atmosphere. (unlike a lot of other sites out there I won't mention!

) I run it myself along with the help of two other part time moderators.
The ads were an attempt to monitise the site before the donation idea but unfortunately haven't brung in any revenue yet! It seems the gay community don't want to buy new mobile phones or outfits online!
Robertson Wrote:i would have no problem whats so ever supporting the forum, but right now im in a bit of a picle witht he bank and the mother, i went over my limit twice oan my card and spent half a grand on clothes and the mother read my banck statment and she has confiscated my card untill furhter notice :| but otherwise i would have no rpoblem supproting, i presume they accept card:S
becasue yeha the forum has helped me alot recently 
Awww no probs... the donation thing is purely voluntary. Great to hear the site's been of help to you.
The donation feature uses Paypal so yeah can accept cards or Paypal balance.
ch-photo Wrote:You can always fly us over :biggrin:
As I'm new here - how does this site operate? It'd be interesting to know. Is it US run, UK run, or from somewhere else?
I can see it's worldwide in its membership.
Is there an Admin (or two) that might want to tell us a bit more about the site, its history, and where they see its future?
I'd like to know more
lol well I hear RyanAir are doing free standing flights now! hehe
Yeah, it's UK run... I'm in East Sussex near Brighton! :biggrin:
As mentioned above... it was just set up for fun... running out of my bedroom but now has it's own dedicated server! There was an earlier version I started in 2002 but that went offline at the end of 2004. The current incarnation relaunched at the start of 2007!
The future of the site is in your hands!

Always listen to your suggestions!
I want to improve it with little tweaks and new features as well as keeping it as fun and user friendly as possible.
Chat soon,
Andy xox