03-06-2022, 06:42 PM
Tjemka88 Why would I be spending my life in lies, when I'm always truthful with myself? Why am I pretending to be someone I'm not, when I, as a totally aware Being, am not constructed exclusively from my sexuality, anyway? Also, I cannot be pretending to be somebody that I'm not, or I wouldn't have then told the truth about it, here! I'm a human being who HAS a sexuality and it is just another facet of my character, and one that I have the right to keep unannounced. I feel no self-harm in keeping to myself any aspect of my character. If a friend of mine, in all the years he has known me, doesn't announce to me that he is straight, is he spending his life in lies, or just not announcing to me that he is straight. Do gay/bi/curious people have a duty to announce that they're gay/bi/curious?...should they feel obliged to broadcast their sexuality, if straight people feel no such requirement? Choosing to keep one of my personal characteristics under wraps does not make me a liar...it makes me a man with a choice! 
Cridders88 I believe that all people are equally straight and hetero, all their lives. The behaviour and internal labels depends on their environment, their experiences, their feelings and their formulated personalities. If I ask a guy and he says he's gay, his answer is based on what he knows. If I ask a guy and he says he's straight, his answer is based on what he knows. If you ask me if I'm gay or straight, all that this guy knows is that he has no idea!
BHP91126 I've had no partners for 30+ years, and I feel no need to have any...life's less complicated, this way - but, there are facets of relationships that I am depriving myself of, I know. However...I'll not worry, I'll be happy!
(I thought you were breaking into song with, "Don't worry, be happy!")
Thanks for the replies, folks...you're kinda fun, here!

Cridders88 I believe that all people are equally straight and hetero, all their lives. The behaviour and internal labels depends on their environment, their experiences, their feelings and their formulated personalities. If I ask a guy and he says he's gay, his answer is based on what he knows. If I ask a guy and he says he's straight, his answer is based on what he knows. If you ask me if I'm gay or straight, all that this guy knows is that he has no idea!
BHP91126 I've had no partners for 30+ years, and I feel no need to have any...life's less complicated, this way - but, there are facets of relationships that I am depriving myself of, I know. However...I'll not worry, I'll be happy!

Thanks for the replies, folks...you're kinda fun, here!

Beautifully (and erotically) dressed always beats undressed!
Beautifully (and erotically) dressed always beats undressed!