07-29-2009, 12:36 AM
Hi, I'm Danny from the north-west of England. I hope I don't irritate anyone with my post. I've had a totally novel experience which I need to share and I just don't know where or who to turn to! I hope someone out there will be sympathetic.
I'm a 35 year old, straight guy; educated, but working class, kinda tough-looking but not insensitive or bigoted!
I've never had a single gay thought - I'm not in the least homophobic - it's just never been my thing... until...
I saw a picture of a guy recently and without warning - BAM! I had the kind of instant and overwhelming sexual attraction that equaled anything I've ever experienced with a woman - no thinking was required - my body screamed it at me!
I want to make it clear that though shocked and surprised - I feel no negativity about it - on the contrary, it's a wonderful feeling at my age to discover a new, exciting appetite. I still feel as though I'm straight, but who cares about labels anyway?
I really want to explore this new aspect of my sexuality (I can't stop fantasising about this guy!), but I'm totally clueless and intimidated- it's like being a kid again!
I know gay people are as diverse as any other group (I'm not totally ignorant!) but - generally speaking - how would someone like me be viewed by the guys if I went into a gay bar?
I'm really worried that (while I'm still cautiously finding my way) I'll be viewed as a lightweight or a nuisance. I know I'm (generally) considered attractive by women but I have no idea if someone as naive about this as I am would interest other guys.
In my fantasy, the guy is totally flattered by the fact that HE has "turned me" - PLEASE tell me that's true - I mean that a gay guy WOULD be flattered - it's my main reason to hope I have a chance of making it come true - I mean, finding and experiencing a guy like him (damn, I already have a "type"!:tongue
I'm really sorry if I've done something wrong in posting this. I need help and advice and if this is the wrong place - PLEASE can some generous soul point me in the right direction? Somewhere where patient gay guys offer guidance to nervous, but intrigued, straight men.

I'm a 35 year old, straight guy; educated, but working class, kinda tough-looking but not insensitive or bigoted!
I've never had a single gay thought - I'm not in the least homophobic - it's just never been my thing... until...
I saw a picture of a guy recently and without warning - BAM! I had the kind of instant and overwhelming sexual attraction that equaled anything I've ever experienced with a woman - no thinking was required - my body screamed it at me!
I want to make it clear that though shocked and surprised - I feel no negativity about it - on the contrary, it's a wonderful feeling at my age to discover a new, exciting appetite. I still feel as though I'm straight, but who cares about labels anyway?
I really want to explore this new aspect of my sexuality (I can't stop fantasising about this guy!), but I'm totally clueless and intimidated- it's like being a kid again!
I know gay people are as diverse as any other group (I'm not totally ignorant!) but - generally speaking - how would someone like me be viewed by the guys if I went into a gay bar?
I'm really worried that (while I'm still cautiously finding my way) I'll be viewed as a lightweight or a nuisance. I know I'm (generally) considered attractive by women but I have no idea if someone as naive about this as I am would interest other guys.
In my fantasy, the guy is totally flattered by the fact that HE has "turned me" - PLEASE tell me that's true - I mean that a gay guy WOULD be flattered - it's my main reason to hope I have a chance of making it come true - I mean, finding and experiencing a guy like him (damn, I already have a "type"!:tongue

I'm really sorry if I've done something wrong in posting this. I need help and advice and if this is the wrong place - PLEASE can some generous soul point me in the right direction? Somewhere where patient gay guys offer guidance to nervous, but intrigued, straight men.