10-09-2009, 08:13 AM

Just say that you met someone and you both liked each other and wanted to date. And the dating turned into something more like a possible relationship. How much about your past would you disclose to that person. In relationships (I haven't had a relationship that lasted that long) would you want your new partner who you trusted to know mostly everything about you, even if it wasn't that great?
I am going to use some of my past experiences as an example, it's not like I'd go around to people in "real life" to disclose all this info but it's more easier on here because it's online. :eek:
So when I was really young, I was se#u#l#y abused for about 5 years. So somehow that makes me not want to have sex until I really get to know someone. I'm not saying that I don't like being close to someone but it might take me from 1 month to 3 months or about that, to really want to have total sex.
My fear is that if I was the early stages of a relationship and told someone that (just say they wanted to have sex), I would be scared that they would jump on the next train and head 200 miles away from me.
My second situation is that I can't be around drugs/alcohol because I had a love affair with narcotic pain meds like oxycodone. Really, my so called love affair with pain meds was good until I couldn't stop taking them, but I've been in outpatient treatment for almost 2 months so I've been clean for almost that long. I never did any high rish drugs like shooting up or anything. Basically I'd ask my new man (if I ever get one) not to use drugs such as pot or basically anything around me. I wonder if they would get on a jet and vanish!!
So basically, I want to know is
1. If you were in my position what would you do
2. Just say you liked someone and you started to date and they came out and told you ...Bye the way, please don't smoke pot or drink beer, etc., around me. And on top of that...we can't have sex for a least two months. I don't mean make out and stuff just "all the way sex"!!!!
I'd love to see what some of you would do in these situations!