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Why America makes me angry sometimes
fredv3b Wrote:I'm sorry I don't see why DC laws have legal effects beyond the district. DC recognises same-sex marriages performed in, say, Massachusetts, AFAIK that does not mean that same-sex marriages performed there on Federal employees are recognised. I'm confused.

Almost every single department of the government is headquartered here in DC, with the exception of the Military which is across the river in Alexandria, and the Space Program which is out in Maryland. Because Federal employees in the district would be allowed to marry, and federal employees are union employees, the government can not give to one employee, what it will not give to all. That means that if you work for the US Department of Agriculture, and you live in Mississippi, the federal government is contract bound to give you the same marriage benefits that you would get if you worked in their headquarters on Constitution Avenue.

I'm pretty certain that it will be legally very sticky, and take a long time before it changes everywhere, but the Federal government is pretty quick to take money away from states that don't abide by the rules. And for the states, it's all about money.

Plus, gaygay33, Mitt Romney is Mormon, which makes him extra creepy. We have the mormons to thank for the passage of Prop. 8 in California. They are as anit-gay as muslims, its just so sad how some religions can be so bigoted and evil.

libertylove4 Wrote:Plus, gaygay33, Mitt Romney is Mormon, which makes him extra creepy. We have the mormons to thank for the passage of Prop. 8 in California. They are as anit-gay as muslims, its just so sad how some religions can be so bigoted and evil.
Credit where it's due ... it was an unholy alliance of mormons and catholics that did most of the damage. Of course, the mormons in my family deny they had any involvement at all, but then they have a long and dishonourable tradition of "lying for the lord" :mad:

when is the federal law going to take place, i haven't been watching the news. Yeah i bet Mitt was sucking dick. he probably didn't get a good complement so he turned against gays.

I was giving that catholics a pass for now since they are doing quite a lot for marriage equality in Maine. The Archdiocese of Portland (The one Portland diocese not bankrupt from sex abuse payouts) took up collections during sunday mass to help overturn gay marriage in Maine, but the parishoners were having none of it, most walked out of church while the collection was being done. Gotta love the independent spirit of those Mainers Smile The group Catholics for Marriage Equality has also done a lot to support marriage in Maine, so I guess I will give the catholics a pass for now.

Interesting, I didn't know that. We can only speak as we find Wink

My uncle is keeping me posted on the developments in Maine, according to the latest polls out of Maine, they may be the first state to affirm gay marriage at the ballot box. *Fingers Crossed*


1. Can a State break a federal law?

2. Does medical or social security payments come direct from federal government and with no involvement by State?

3. What if a pesron who is in a gay marriage, moves to another state which does not recognise the marriage as legal. Under RMA the State must uphold his federdal rights?

4. If a senior federal employee did move to a State which did not recognise his gay marriage, how would the State react?

Any answers?

1. No, states cannot break federal law. In the constitution is the supremacy clause which states that federal law takes precedence over all other laws.

2. Medicare is done by the Federal Government, but is disbursed by the States. Social Security though comes right from the Feds.

3.Thanks to DOMA, the Federal government isn't allowed to recognize gay marriages so Full Faith and Credit sadly doesn't apply. Since the RMA hasn't passed yet states have all the power they want over marriage laws. Hence a gay person married in Massachusetts is no longer married should they move to a state like Michigan that has a ban on gay marriage

4. The states really don't care, since even though said person is a federal employee, under DOMA the federal government cannot legally recognize his marriage. So in the eyes of the federal government no gay person is married.

Hope I answered some of your questions.

Thanks Libertylove4.

You have just confirmed my understanding of the issues. you do need RMA to be passed.

It would appear that your poltical leaders are maybe trying to let this happen via DC, so they can denile any invovlement in backing gay marriages.

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