12-16-2009, 11:35 PM
The catholic church often complains about the need to protect religious freedom. What about protecting real democracy, the church behaves like a secret organisation controlled by a small minority of religious fanatics.
Catholics make up 17.4% of the world's population, around 1.13 billion according to the Vatican's new statistics yearbook, which is based on figures for 2006. Let them decide who runs the Catholic church by allowing open elections of cardinals and the Pope.
At present Popes are elected by the College of Cardinals meeting in a Conclave, a secret ballot by a select few. The maximum number of Cardinal Electors allowed at any one time is 120, who can vote for a Pope.
To be elected Pope, one Cardinal must receive at least two-thirds of the votes (80 votes required). Except that, under the new rules established by Pope John Paul II, if a certain number of ballots have taken place without any Cardinal being elected Pope, then the Cardinals may then elect by simple majority (61 votes required).
People elect the people who run our country, why can't people also elect their religious leaders. Instead of being dictated to by a small minority of religious fanatics, who think they are better qualifed to teach us how to live.
Sorry folks, need to rant. Reading the BULLSHIT coming out from the Vatican lately makes me mad sometimes.
( I do acknowledge and commend the good work done by some good hard working local catholic priests around the world).
Catholics make up 17.4% of the world's population, around 1.13 billion according to the Vatican's new statistics yearbook, which is based on figures for 2006. Let them decide who runs the Catholic church by allowing open elections of cardinals and the Pope.
At present Popes are elected by the College of Cardinals meeting in a Conclave, a secret ballot by a select few. The maximum number of Cardinal Electors allowed at any one time is 120, who can vote for a Pope.
To be elected Pope, one Cardinal must receive at least two-thirds of the votes (80 votes required). Except that, under the new rules established by Pope John Paul II, if a certain number of ballots have taken place without any Cardinal being elected Pope, then the Cardinals may then elect by simple majority (61 votes required).
People elect the people who run our country, why can't people also elect their religious leaders. Instead of being dictated to by a small minority of religious fanatics, who think they are better qualifed to teach us how to live.
Sorry folks, need to rant. Reading the BULLSHIT coming out from the Vatican lately makes me mad sometimes.

( I do acknowledge and commend the good work done by some good hard working local catholic priests around the world).