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Not so great after all
Hey everyone. I know i've not been as involved or good at answering PMs as usual but i've just been trying to get my head round a few things. I think it's time i opened up and asked for some advice from the older and/or wiser folks amongst our ranks.

I recently gave one of (what used to be) my closest friends his marching orders. It had been a ridiculously long time in coming, but that really isn't making me feel any better. I still feel like i'm losing out on and mourning what i thought he was years ago. We grew close quickly due to some shared experiences and a mutual appreciation of actual conversation. However he would always criticise my way of dealing with things, bringing up deep and powerful problems as examples of how i should deal with things his way. I remember one time he put a mutual friend of his who had been through the same trauma i had in touch with me, apparently having told this friend i needed someone to talk to about it without telling me. Which was not only a major betrayal of my trust but resulted in a conversation which i never wanted to have with someone i'd never met about something i can barely talk to my closest friends to without crying. Needless to say that resurfaced as a result and i had to deal with thinking about it all over again.

Last year (well, two years ago now, i guess) he came to visit and while staying in my house a) refused to eat my cooking, b) told me i kept a dirty house, c) bitched about the fact that (as i'd already told him) there wasn't a spare bed and he'd have to sleep on the sofa, d) went into my work and picked a fight with my boss and e) went off and stayed over with my ex not once, not twice, but FOUR times. Needless to say after that i told him i wanted nothing more to do with him. Mostly this was due to him pretending not to have known what he was doing. If he'd have had the balls to admit it i'd have probably been more lenient.

Then months later he turns up at my house unannounced as a 'surprise'. Anyone who knows me knows that i hate surprises and being caught off guard in general but he didn't seem to see why his turning up at my house unannounced after his previous behaviour would be of irritation to me.

I tried to stay friends with him after this but failed miserably, resenting him silently. Most recently he got with the guy i'd kinda started seeing ish (and i'd like to point out that my living abroad had made me cautious, but i gave it a shot ON HIS ADVICE). But still, it was another kick in the face and i told him i never want to see him again.

Now i feel lost. I tried so hard to do him better justice that he did me and i've just given up on what was, in the beginning, a very important friendship. I think about how i used to tell my friend how close we were and i cringe.

In other news my skin condition continues and is being made worse by the warm weather. The constant appearance of these unslightly blisters and the damage they do to the skin on my hands is having a major effect on my confidence. I feel so very unattractive right now and haven't made many friends in Vienna as i daren't say hello to people as it's painful to shake hands and i see the repulsed look on people's faces when they see my skin. I'm sick of being asked if i'm infectious. Most especially because i'm not. The condition also affects my feet, making it difficult and painful to stand up, never mind walking. My steroid treatments have thinned the skin on my hands so much that touching everyday objects is now a discomforting and often painful experience.

Now i'm alone, over a thousand miles from home and due to some serious fuckups from the authorities haven't recieved any of my funding for my time here and have literally €10 to my name and a €370 rent bill due for the 10th. Yay!! I turn 21 in a week and have literally one friend who's bothering to come and visit out of everyone who said they would. Not exactly what you'd call ideal. I really don't want to be in this place any more but i can't go home unless i drop the German half of my degree.

All in all i'm feeling a little bit helpless...

[COLOR="Purple"]WoW, has it already been another year already?

Well, from us wise ones, who can be just as full of dreams and disappointments as anyone... it really is true: Time does work wonders but it can seem to take fucking FOREVER!

MANY Bighug MANY Bighug and a few more Bighug

On the medical front... I am sure that you have been thru all the various meds and non-medical promises and researched your condition very well. It just sounds like there must be something different to do and it can be just so frustrating. I just cant imagine and all I can do is try to send you some strength and protection Remybussi

A fantastic sight for medical advice is MedHelp.org. As with any open forum there may be some kooks but usually posts are answered with great knowledge - and it is always good to know there are others out there fighting the same problems.

btw, I have a few contacts that know how to put hexes on those that deserve them Flaming [/COLOR]

sorr about that. it was a bad frind. it coud be phonecall your mum. amd i hope it is ok. it will get better . i hope it helps

Sox, I want you to know that I'm really sorry that you're having such a rough time. It might help your money problems if you visited the British Consul and maybe Social Services in Vienna. The Students' Union might also be helpful either in Vienna or in your UK Uni. I know a fair bit about Germany, having worked there for a couple of years, but have spent very little time in Austria.
If your friend is German-speaking, you could tell him "Du kannst mich am Abend besuchen!" If he's English-speaking "FOAD" should do the trick. There's no mileage in that friendship any more. But there's plenty more where that one came from.
If you want to get home, or anywhere else, cheaply, I think the Mitfahrerzentrale is useful: Mitfahrzentrale
Un abrazo

Sox...I might be able to give you some advice as I have been in your situation....

Betrayal from friends was extremely difficult for me to come to terms with. There are alot of different incidents I could give but the worst one is also the one that turned it around for me so I will share that one with you and maybe you can take something from it you can use.

When I was 21 I got hired the day of my birthday in a gay nightclub/disco and I quickly got the nickname "Mary Sunshine" which I didn't like but what are you gonna do? The nickname in hindsight came from my naivety toward people and at 52 now I still diligently try to see the best in everyone if at all possible (but the naivety is GONE! LOL) Needless to say I had incident after incident where I felt betrayed and rightfully so...sometimes people did it for "fun"...sometimes it was cruel...and for a long time I just tried to ignore it but like you I was starting to resent these people silently and that is unhealthy.

Well...I had this lover for four years and it was a very abusive relationship and I was too ashamed to tell anyone and I literally knew 100s..maybe 1000s of people at the time and never said a single bad word about him or complained even once to anyone...I told myself that my job was to listen to other people and besides they didn't come in to listen to my crap but the truth was I was too embarrassed to let anyone know. He was handsome, hung, rich...MR Perfect...and emotionally and physically abusive.

I finally left him one day and he used every one of my friends to come and lecture me about what a "prize" I had walked away from and how "good we looked together" and how "hurt he was". I knew he was using them and I also knew how sadistic he was so I was trying to protect them and myself from his emotional manipulations and I STILL never said a bad word but what I did say was this: I calmly told them to remember I had never bothered them with any drama or trash talk and they didn't know who they were dealing with and if they had any respect for me they would stop talking about him...and I forgave them with a warning...if they ever mentioned him again to me I would simply stop talking to them and I would have nothing to do with them again except to be polite if I saw them.

Well...he decided to go out with my co-workers one by one and draw all of them into it and one by one he employed as many as he could to come and "talk to me"...I felt so betrayed by so many of my friends and I was extremely bitter and was getting jaded fast...and THAT bothered me more than anything and so I came up with a solution.....

I had seen so many bitter people and while I felt compassion for them it scared me to become one of them so I made up my mind that every time one of my friends would betray me I would make two new friends and that is exactly what I did. It worked...so my advice is to go out and make some new friends.

When you have the unresolved resentment that person has alot of power over you......I realized that when I was dealing with all of that and that was another reason I was determined to overcome this because after having this nightmare experience with this man I was NOT going to let him have any power over me and ironically power over other people was probably his driving force. It might also be your former friend's driving force.

Another technique you might try is writing a long letter to let him know exactly how you feel...and then burning it when you are ready to let it go. Forgiving him is the nicest thing you can do for yourself and he doesn't ever have to know because it isn't about him..it is about you. Be kind to yourself.

Have you tried any natural remedies for your condition?

very sorry to hear it's going so badly at the moment, Soxy... What did they say your skin condition was already? I thought some type of eczema... very disfiguring and quite painful but better than developing cancer, I guess. As we say in French: il est mal dans sa peau, which literally means not feeling well in one's skin. There are a few issues that need sorting out before you can heal that skin of yours and feel good in your skin again. Maybe you are stressed out by worry... the money situation does not help. But apparently, every cloud has a silver lining, so something good is bound to be in store for you soon. Hope it doesn't take too long coming. Bighug

Sox, honey, it sounds like you are well rid. Really hope you feel better soon.


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