06-09-2010, 03:17 AM
There is this boy that I'm very good friends with, that I want ask so badly it hurts sometimes! We've been friends now for 1 and a half years and I've already told him that I liked him a year ago and told me he was interested in girls. So we hung out the rest of that summer until junior year started. Then it's almost like we stoped talking to each other and semmed like he was ignoring me
he's had 2 girl friends since then and we started talking to eachither in febuary. I've asked asked my closest friend about what he thinks is this boys sexuality. He said .... 100% gay. And I agreed, this boy always takes a look into my eyes and voullenterary look to. It's if feels like a moment of infinite happiness and we stare for a couple more seconds until we change the directions of our eye. I just feel like I would be at peace and happiness if I were to be with him for the rest of My life. I feel to scared to ask him to be with me, I don't want it to hurt our friendship, I doing want to feel alone anymore, I want to be cared and loved for. I want to be able to wake up beside him a fix breakfast for him. I want to be able help him when he's in need and vice versa. It just that I need Him right now, I can't hold this pain in forever! :[ i need some honest advice. I know he's gay he acts diffrently when he's around me, it's almost like he flirts with me. Pwease I need help! Lol.