I'm 17 and yes, get random boners from the stupidest things. I wear either briefs or boxers (briefs more). So next week I'm going on a trip and there's public showers and stuff and no one (my age) wears briefs anymore so i don't want to feel weird in front of them.
I want to wear boxers the whole trip, not even bringing briefs.
But how can i hide the boners and stuff? Lol.
Point to something far away from you and shout 'OMG Look at that!' - but I guess that might not be effective!
Do you mean loose fitting boxer boxers? If so would the tighter fitting fitted boxers be any better? Could always try long tshirt to help hide the beast, or just make sure you have something to hand to conveniently place in front of the offending body part. Or just fake passing out - although falling backwards would be a bad idea, and falling forward could be painful!
Some serious and not so serious suggestions there, anyone else got any tips?
depends how big ur cock is lol xx
Staple it to your leg? :p
Seriously dont know as ive never had to worry about it as im like a ninja and can control my cock :p No but seriously i honestly dont know other than wearing tight boxers?!?!?
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My tip;
Give up.
Its something you really can't fight.
If any guys say anything maybe you could say:"and you don't get them?"
And as for girls?.....RUN! Or brag jokingly, depending on which is favorable to your personality, of course.:tongue:
Maybe your trying too hard to hide it?(Sorry, teribly awfull pun*looks for exit*)
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
If there are other 17 year olds they will surely be wondering the same thing. If you set the trend in the showers, they'll surely leap to follow your lead ............................... or was that a dream I had once ................ or twice :redface:
Strippers sometimes use the rubber band trick.
Tip number one ....if you get a boner squeeze the end of you penis between thumb and fore finger for a minuate or so ( where the penis end starts) this will make you go floppy
Tip number two , think of a real turn off ...it works
Wear baggy boxers rather than tight fitting ones
I'v never had this as a real big problem as I'v had to share a changing room with guys for ages and I kinda just keep my head down and never thought sexy thoughts in the changing rooms.