I realise it's really late in the day for me to be jumping on this thread, particularly as it was started before I even joined :redface:, but my coming out was almost 15 years in the making, and so I had time to plan it all reasonably well ...
Having known I was gay since the age of 6, my perception of the gap between everybody else I knew and myself is something that naturally widened as I grew from childhood through my teens, to becoming a young adult.
Over the years I had built myself up this persona - not of acting really any differently to how I act now, but of wordplay ... when I would have wanted to say "he" I would have said "she" ... I would have rephrased a romantic night with a guy to be "a nite with a mate" and so on ... and the NUMBER of times I would outright lie about finding this or that girl sexy or attractive are more than I care to recount.
I wasn't in denial about who or what I am - I just didn't want to be hated by the people I loved, and I had managed to convince myself (
wrongly I might add) that this would be the case, were I to come out to them ... an illusion strengthened by their passing comments (this/that is so GAY, etc., etc.,).
Therefore, I decided to come out to a colleague ... a temp at my office - a nutritionalist and fitness instructor who was doing office work as a wind-down prior to having her first child.
She struck me as being very hip, very chilled-out, very approachable, and (being blunt) I figured IF she had a problem with it, she was a)
not a friend, and didn't have access
to my circle of friends; and b) a temp, and so wouldn't be at work that much longer than after I'd told her ...
I was nothing short of
amazed when she was 100% supportive of it ... and I think
she was equally flattered that she was the first person I came out to ...
Since she was so cool about it, I started spiralling from telling her to telling my colleagues, my mates, then my close mates and then finally my two best friends.
I told my mum and brother along the way (although I've still not yet had that conversation with my father - it's kinda a long story. I'm sure he knows, but we've not discussed it).
Nobody has had a problem with it, and
everybody that knows about it has got my back ... I know that.
There have been some up's and down's along the way ... like one of my best mates outing me to his parents and then
conveniently forgetting to mention it to me ... I think they were hurt that I hadn't spoken with them directly, so they gave me a right grilling which I, in turn, did
not appreciate ... and so my best mate got the sharp edge of my tongue for that ...
... but all told it's been pretty-much smooth sailing and, dare I say it ? The biggest ANTI-climax of my entire life (which is one of the biggest veiled compliments I think I can give it) :biggrin:.

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!