Sui I am GUTTED to read of your awful experiences as a result of coming out, but babe ?
As trite as this is going to sound, it is not you that's in the wrong in any way, shape, fashion or form ... your parents are one day going to realise the pain that they have needlessly put you through, and they will attempt to reconcile with you, and then the worm
will have turned, and you will be in a position to accept their apologies or damn them out of hand.
Any friend that ditches you when you come out to them demonstrates that they are not a friend worth having, as at the end of the day being gay isn't a disease or a social wrong - it's just another facet of you - you're still the same beautiful, multi-dimensional, varied and perfectly formed individual you were BEFORE you told them, so why they have to act like it's some HUMUNGOUS piece of groundbreaking news when it's actually got F*CK ALL to do with them is beyond me.
Would that I could reach through my computer monitor and give you a huge cuddle, because I really do feel for you ...
You will become stronger for this, and it will help you to shape yourself into a more complete and powerful individual for the future that lies ahead of you, have no doubt of that.

kiddo xx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!