I am constantly amazed at the fortitude of Muslim kids in schools who, during Ramadan, are often unwell with headaches, tiredness, hunger and are thirsty to the point of dehydration and trying to work normally with severely impaired concentration. I know a number of teachers who try and work around these barriers to their learning, but it is unfair to everyone in the school community. I wonder how long it would take social services to knock on the door if anyone other than a Muslim family subjected their kids to this kind of deprivation? These are presumably the same schools that a little while ago subscribed to "Brain Gym" which, among other things, was absolutely emphatic about the importance of regular hydration for a properly functioning brain.
And these throwbacks to the dark ages are working towards a world caliphate to impose this nonsense on everyone? No, I don't understand it!
It is annoying. The worst months do appear to be those of the summer, maybe not the holiday months of July and August, although not drinking during these periods could cause serious problems... People are not required, if sick, to abstain completely from drinking, or eating, I've heard. But social and religious pressure are strong.
We have a lot of Muslim people here in Bulgaria since we were under ottoman slavery (that's how you call it? :/) for 500 years. In many of the southern villages the population is almost entirely Muslim. However, since the educational system here is really...bad, only schools in the capital (Sofia) and some of the schools in the bigger cities have SE. So that is not the problem here. But now these guys insist that their temple (idk how you call it in English) in Sofia should become a symbol of the city and that there shouldn't be any Christian signs in schools and public buildings. I sort of understand the skinheads now.
Yeah, I guess so. Thanks. :]