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Just have a two hours of argument with my best friend. Fml
conechvn Wrote:Thanks guys for the advices.

Well, I am not really limited him to that three options. They are just the only options that I can think about at this moment to get a compromise.

Update: I lost to him again. He was so depressing and made that little puppy face the whole day ( I did not see him but I can imagine ). So when I tried to cheer he up, I promise him that I would give girls a shot ( of course not in their vagina) to see if it works.:frown: Also, I had to tell him that I would not let anyone knows that I am gay :frown:
He said he didn't want you to convert him.

Look at what he's trying to do to you.

I'd advice you to break those to promises, i know its not a very nice thing to do.
But what he is asking of you is cruel.

Maybe this is just how i see it, but its almost like he's asking you to be unhappy.
Perhaps i'm wrong?:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so


Hello, I don't really know all that gay relationship stuff but one thing that I know is friendship. First take best advice about cooling down. Second, you made biggest mistake by giving him ultimatums. And what if you are wrong and he is not a gay? You may want him to be a gay but what if he is not? Are you ready to loss him as a friend too? You should not have said thing about limits and conditions.
Well, all I'm trying to do is imagining myself in his place:
My Best friend phones me and tells me that he is a gay. OK, I'm fine with this. Well, trying to be cool with this, but there's second part and it is over the acceptable.
"Accept that you are gay and you love me and we should live together» And even if he thinks that he might be a gay or bi. Don't you think it is bit too much? For one day? And even if he is a gay what if he is not in to you? Then what?
"I overdid it. The only thing am worried about is our friendship. Our friendship is what matters.
If you can accept me the way I am right now, than let's just forget last phone conversation”.

These words are that I would like to hear from my best friend after attacking me the same way that you attacked your friend.

wait wait wait !!!
does it all the time ? ? ? so, you do have a sex ? :O I thought that it was just attraction and nothing more did not thought that you guys had sex as well Big Grin well, that's quite confusing than Big Grin why did he had that reaction !
Well, you know what test him ]Smile do as he wants play on his fillings by his own rules. go totally in to girls (I know you don't like girls but pretend) see what kind of reaction he will have ? and refuse sex well not immediately but eventually. if you guys have sex 4 times in week refuse on two from four. than do tis more often or do the worst say that you don't have time for that plan a date. with some one else. it may sound too childish but it works with st8 guys and with girls as well and since filling are all the same in all kind of relationships it should work with your friend too. but don overdo it be careful it should not look as game or attempt to make him jealous (thou it is Big Grin )
my best wishes to you Wink

nakatsusan Wrote:... and refuse sex well not immediately but eventually. if you guys have sex 4 times in week refuse on two from four. than do tis more often or do the worst say that you don't have time for that plan a date. with some one else. it may sound too childish but it works with st8 guys and with girls as well and since filling are all the same in all kind of relationships it should work with your friend too. ....

Sorry, but this in increadibly bad advice. Don't play mind games. All it will do is seed the destruction of the relationship. Nothing good will come of it unless your intention is for short term gain at the expense of an eventually destroyed relationship.

Sorry my bad Smile
colinmackay Wrote:destruction

sorry, but there is nothing to destroy. one side admits the presence of relationship but not the second. second obviously thinks that this is normal friend to friend relationship and this has nothing to do with love (form me it is more than attraction and physical dependence ). so, for me there is only one way, make him to admit his filling and again just for me (it is my opinion) while nothing is problematic for him there is nothing to think about, he always gets what hi wants. no one thinks about things that he has. we all think about only lost things.
sorry again to all of you, this is just my opinion!!! conechvn again sorry. I may stepped the line. sincerely wish U all the best.

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