10-31-2010, 03:24 AM
eastofeden Wrote:OMG...Thanks to this topic and me thinking about zombies and talking about them today I found out they have "ZOMBIE NIGHTS" in Downtown San Jose (California...not Costa Rica :biggrinA zomibified photographer?...everyone dresses like zombies at night and walks around...could this be true? I thought my friend was pulling my leg and teasing me when he found out how obsessed I ma with zombies but upon further research I realized this was true and I never heard of it before. Oh what fun...I cannot wait to participate! If I do I will take pictures or have someone else do it (a zombie with a camera might not be very authentic LOL)
Yeah, i saw videos of that a while back.
SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOL!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so