I wrote my undergraduate research paper for my B. Sci in microbiology and immunology on HPV, but I would be useless at identifying the warts. I know lots about the vaccines and the genetics and pathology of the virus strains though. lol
My paper was primarily concerned with the epidemiology of HPV and the viability of vaccination campaigns in the gay community.
well warts, (either speices) almost look the same, they start out as almost indecernable tiny bumps, but they quickly blow up, no matter how large they have a gross little "coliflower" look to them, its the best way to describe their look. I have allot of experince with DPV (thank goodness not transferable to humans)
Well, does he scratch alot.?
Does it smell weird?
Any discharge?
Chances are you answered no to all of these questions
if so then it's most likely jus papules
If you answered yes to two or more of these questions then go to the doctors and get it chckd out
9/10 they're perfectly harmless
how do I know
Smh. I suffer from these lil buggers. . . . and exzema. . . *sigh* . . . lost a boyfriend or two because of these Things.