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I'm a : Single Gay Man
Hi Xrimo, I am 61 and have gone through most of the emotional gammit, I still cry today, sometimes with no reason, but looking back and just buried 7 people who took their own lives that should still be alieve. Many things can affect us, please don't feel alone, we all support each other and it is very real, o here that one person feels alone among so many reminds me of why Itried to take my own life so many years ago. Please talk it out, not only with a proffessional but with the others who have been there, James
I'm really glad to see you're going to see a therapist. Everyone of us can use some help every once in a while.
Sometimes when you go to therapy, stuff comes up that you never expected to. You may find yourself understanding yourself in a whole new light, sometimes pleasant and wonderful, sometimes not so much. If you need to talk to someone in between sessions and I'm online, feel free to message me. I'll be glad to listen and help you talk things out.
(oh and as a side note, if your therapist tells you anything that causes you to feel inadequate or like something is wrong with you, find a better therapist. My mother took me to see a therapist when I was suicidal. The a-hole kept asking me to go to church on Sundays as a favor to him...
He was really good at what he did when he wasn't compromising the integrity of his job, but I still sometimes think of him as a bastard.)
OK Doug Get some help or get off the net whatever you have to do but most of all get out of Canada for a week or two at least see something other than your room and your town go take a trip take a break meet new people face to face this may help you.
You know i got lucky on here and found love, you can find it as well but maybe not on here you have to get out at least once a month and look around PLEASE you are my friend and i do not like to see you hurting.
though I'm not really sure what seems to be the problem here (perhaps 'coming out' issues), i suggest you relax, first. take a deep breath and recall, one by one, all the good things that happened in your life. usually, when i'm too clouded by the negativity in my mind, what i do is i think of as many as possible good things that i've encountered. it sure eased up my mind and heart. try to do the same. and if it won't, you can always drink a good amount of water and go to a therapist or someone.
So having had my first session, the therapist was establishing a profile for me. Basically asking how I felt about things in my life. I was very honest (the first time I've been so honest with someone face-to-face). Even though there was nothing breakthrough with what we talked about, it felt good to just get it out there. I have another appointment in a couple weeks.
Sounds good.... sometimes it helps if you hear yourself talking about problems ....
and maybe a small tipp helps, too : Drink Basil-Tea .... normal Basil-Herbs.. 1 - 1,5 Teaspoons on a cup of boiling water, preparation such as tea... 2 times a day. This is a easy way to brighten up your mood.
Glad to hear the first session went well, X. Often we have whatever answers we need somewhere inside already and just need to find the magic words to unlock them. Good luck, my friend. I hope you find what you need.
poor xrimo that is very sad and are a lovly personnot selfishs.i hop it helps at the docters