10-10-2007, 12:42 AM
My upper back really hurts sooooo bad for the last tow days!I thought it would get better but its not any better that i cant really go to bed as it hurts more, feels swollen a bit too. I didnt go to to the hospital yet coz i think i just pulled a muscle somehow (havent been to the gym this month) but i go to the doctor tomorrow see what he says. Could it be athritis? I am only 29 god damn it lol
It annoys me though when people see you in pain and think you are 'crazy' and i feel bad for responding in the same tone. What's that all about , if you got no sympathy or anything good to say say nothing at all. I am i wrong?
My upper back really hurts sooooo bad for the last tow days!I thought it would get better but its not any better that i cant really go to bed as it hurts more, feels swollen a bit too. I didnt go to to the hospital yet coz i think i just pulled a muscle somehow (havent been to the gym this month) but i go to the doctor tomorrow see what he says. Could it be athritis? I am only 29 god damn it lol
It annoys me though when people see you in pain and think you are 'crazy' and i feel bad for responding in the same tone. What's that all about , if you got no sympathy or anything good to say say nothing at all. I am i wrong?