On a purely sexual basis, is the other guys penis size a big deal to you?
Nah I don't really care about size.
People are beautiful whatever their physical attributes. Size is totally irrelevant.
its not the size of the tool that counts, its how you use it. I work in a hardware store, I'm allowed to use that corny line :p
not a chance, in some cases it may even be REALLY unattractive to me if its too big. stupid marketing and crappy commercials always trying to make it seem like a big deal. what you should be worried about is if your fashion and hygiene are up to par lol. if they are not it may cost you.
I'll be brutally honest. I'm not a fan of big ones or even average ones. Sorry.
dont care about sizes cause i love dick no matter what
I could really care less bout penis size. The person thats attacted to it is what is important imo.