I majored in a self-designed course of Film Criticism. It was the best - watching films of all types every day.
I love early Japanese films then I met someone who said I had a place to stay in Japan if I wanted to go and I went.
I lived in Japan for nearly 10 years. Five years was an amazing experience and I stayed another five years waiting for my Japanese BF to mature enough to move to San Francisco where we started a fashion business.
I highly recommend a move to Japan. It is a really crazy place - all I know is Tokyo though...
Sweet dude !!
Can I ask you a question ?
Why do you feel crappy ? Are you unwell ??
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
what are tokens? I am guessing that it is some sort of credit for specific items.
Sorry your feeling ill Vennie. Take care of yourself.
And what is ceoliac?
Hey babe,
Tokens are vouchers/coin that you can exchange for items ... coeliacs is considered a disability over here because it's a condition that (as far as I'm aware) doesn't have a cure - you just have to learn to work around it ...
Basically to be best of my knowledge ... you know how your intestinal tract is folded up so as to make it fit inside you ? And how the folds have folds on them called villi ? And how those folds have folds on them called microvilli ? The cumulative effect being that the overall surface area through which food can pass during the digestive process is ABSOLUTELY INSANELY MASSIVE ??
Well coeliacs is a condition which smoothes-out the microvilli and the villi, thus dramatically REDUCING the overall surface area of the intestine, and making it INCREDIBLY hard work (and notably physically painful) for its sufferers to digest gluten-based and, I believe, wheat-based products ... so bread, cookies, anything like that is DEFINITELY out ... the patient could eat it, but they'd be bent-double with pain from the digestive process ...
... and so on.
Since gluten-free products are more expensive, they (over here at least) issue you with tokens/vouchers so that you can buy yourself food at better prices ...
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!