ZombieSlayer Wrote:i guess i really need to let go... i feel like a creep tho and i feel pathetic cos im still obsessing over someone who is gone and moved on and does care anymore.. ..
I can relate to this a lot right now, though a slightly different situation. I've had someone who at first said he loved me for over a month end up judging me so wrongly in recent months and he asked me to leave him alone which was hard as I hate when people have the wrong impression of me, but I did. I tried to let go but at times still get teary eyed, wondering if enough time has passed that I can try to call and see if things can be cleared up now (he'd suffered a trauma previously which played big into both the misunderstanding and how harsh he was with me). It's also his birthday in a few days. I ended up seeing on a profile though that he still has the wrong impression of me, and is happy in a new relationship. That he had already moved on hurts - did he ever really love me? I was always honest with him but that didn't matter. But what hurts most is knowing he thinks so lowly of me now, without ever giving us a chance to really know each other. So I too feel like I've dwelt too much of late on someone who obviously doesn't care, and know how much that hurts. BIG HUGS.
ZombieSlayer Wrote:i just wanna let go but its so hard to. i cared about her more than anything and we were supposed to last forever but we didnt
now i dont know how to move on and forget the love of my life..
Was she your first real love? If so, I can relate to this as well. It took me months to get over my first love/ex (separate from the guy above, but whatever happened with the above, getting over the first was even worse).
Anyway I don't mean to hijack your thread but I just want you to know you're not alone in feeling that way about an ex. I do know that I got over my first, it just took time. And I know I'll get over this latest guy too. I must admit, I've wondered about numbing myself in some way, or escaping. A part of me felt I was willing to give up on who I am, and my future... just let someone else take control. When it comes down to it though, I'm beginning to realize that looking for an escape... it's just resulted in time wasted that I could have spent doing something more productive. And the escapes would probably mean that I don't reach my goals if I took them, or would lose touch with those I still care about for family and friends. In the end, none of the escapes that presented themselves just have seemed worth it. Especially since I have writing aspirations and feelling is such a big part of that. I hope I find love before I die, but at the ver least, I don't want to die without having made a difference in this world. I want to make sure I find a way to make a difference. And sometimes it's trying to focus on something positive like that which helps us finally feel better... because the escapes just result in self-pity, but the goals give us hope. Good luck and hugs again.