Ok, so I'm actually not in the "closet." I came out a few months ago. However, in August I will be moving into the college dorms and I need some advice.
I really, really want to be open with my roommates about my sexual orientation. However, I'm worried that if one of them (I will have one roommate and 3 suitemates) has a problem with me, then it could make for a pretty miserable living situation. So, how would you guys and/or girls handle this? Like I said, it's important to me that he knows that I'm gay, just for the sake of honesty and so that no awkward situations arise. Any advice?
I'm guessing the college assigned the roommates so you currently don't know them. You could try and contact them via facebook and get to know them a little and tell them.
I say just tell them, face to face. That's pretty much what I did. Except before you do that, just be sure if they are okay with it. Ask them sneaky questions to know how they could react. But, otherwise it's easier to just tell them head on. If they have problems, you can always work it out.(Unless if they are really homphobic...)
College is a learning experience for everybody. I go to school in the deep south, and my school is generally very accepting of gay people. The younger generation, particularly those at institutions of higher education, tend to be more open minded about homosexuality.
I feel that if you consider your sexual orientation to be an important topic to disclose to your roommates, asking them sneaky questions to assess their tolerance level is not the right course of action. What are you going to do if you don't like their answers, pretend to be something you're not for at least a year? If you're out to people and secure in your identity, you shouldn't have to go through all that again.
That said, I feel there are tactful ways to bring it up. For me, it would seem like the direct approach, "hey guys, so before we get too settled in, I wanted to tell you that I'm gay. I hope this won't be a problem", comes across as insecure. It sounds like you're asking for their approval. I would personally settle on creating a discussion in which I would let it become clear. For instance, "So what should our policy be for bringing dates back to the dorm? We should work out some system so if you want to bring a girl back, or I want to bring a guy back, we won't interrupt each other." Adjust the subtlety as you see fit (It sounded better in my head, I promise), but that is more of the approach I would take.
Mattm16, is there a chance that you could change dorms or rooms with someone else who doesn't mind, in case this particular roommate does mind?
On a funny note, I thought if you plastered your wall with posters of Lady Gaga and Britney, and semi naked hunks he would get the message... but that may be impossible.