07-03-2011, 06:25 AM
I quit smoking cigarettes over two and half years ago. I had a perfect quit under my belt till last friday night. When the senate in NY pass the SSM bill I decided to celebrate by smoking a cigar that friday night. I figured it wouldnt hurt nothing since it was just one cigar and I never liked smoking them any ways. Well that one cigar turned into 15 cigars over the span of this past week. I started going through withdrawls at work on friday july first because I misplaced the half of the cigar I brought to work with me. It was then I realized I was in trouble. I was back at square one. They arent lying when they say it only takes one puff. Let this be a warning to everybody to stay smoke free. I fully intend to stop smoking immediately and salvage my quit. Going through hell week for the 2nd time is going to be a royal pain but its going to be worth it. Once you get back into the habit of smoking it takes over and it gets ingrained into your daily routine. I am hoping I can avoid that and make quitting easier on myself by stoping now before I get back into smoking on a regular schedule.
Got 24 hours smoke free so far. Yay
Got 24 hours smoke free so far. Yay