Posts: 734
Threads: 14
Joined: Feb 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Mood: None
first, i am curious on why do you want to stop feeling this?
I have been in exactly the same situation for the past year. I really like that boy, but he is straight, and very homophobic, so I will never have any chance, but I wanted to tell him. Happily there was one great person who came and helped me. He asked me " So, what are you expecting from that guy?" Also think about that, LGBT people are constantly fighting for their rights and that they should not be discriminated. You on the other hand like this straight guy, ask yourself why is he straight, because he likes only girls, so if you want to have a relationship with him, you would not respect his rights, and would be discriminating his feelings. I know it is hard, and despite the huge support from Ryan, I am still struggling to get over my secret crush, but every time I think of that straight boy, I immediately ask myself what do I want from him (of corse the answers is obvious, but be realistic and think about the chances of that happening in real life), and think about the fact that the people who are fighting not to be discriminated, are discriminating people about a similar thing. I hope that I have been helpful, sorry if you don't like it.
I don't think you should blame yourself if you find Straight men attractive. I don't think you can change this attraction by sheer will.
I have experienced rejection enough times, but I don't believe in the existance of 100% Straight men. I can only suggest that you move into a more tolerant environment, like Sanf Francisco Califortnia.
Straight men have no cause for hating you just because you find them hot . . . . .
Just be proud of your good taste !
I agree with Gpbi, just enjoy the times that your with him (as friends of course if that is the case).